Sunday, October 19, 2008

Subtle Energy, Energy Healing and the Big Picture of Energy Medicine

Subtle Energy, Energy Healing and the Big Picture of Energy Medicine

by Janna Moll SEM, CHTP/I, CMT, MSN candidate

Hands-on/hands-over-the-body energy healing is a deliberate and focused utilization of the subtle human bio-energy system. There are two fundamental problems in Energy Medicine today. The first is that no cohesive body of information about energy medicine exists which can be understood and communicated by all. The second is a lack of standardization in education and credentialing for energy medicine practitioners.

Energy Healing currently has many different therapies using what appear to be disparate energy treatments with varying degrees of efficacy to address various problems in the client. This makes it difficult for any healthcare professional to understand what Energy medicine is, which among the many energy therapies would be appropriate for their client, what it may address in the physical body and, most importantly, how to communicate it to their client. There are currently many different "modalities" which claim to be using a unique energy applicable to their method of healing. But in truth, they are all making use of the same human bio-energy system. The “Big Picture” of energy medicine attempts to address these two deficiencies.

What is Subtle Energy?
Fundamentally, there are two types of treatment currently in use that can be considered "Energy Therapy." They utilize energy from two polar ends of the energy spectrum. The lower end is the one we are all familiar with and it is composed of electromagnetic diagnostic and treatment equipment currently in use. These are therapies such as the hyperbaric treatments, radiation therapy, TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Neuro Stimulation) treatments and diagnostic equipment such as the MRI, CT scanner and PET. The other aspect utilizes hands-on/hands-over-the-body to diagnose and treat the energy system through access and use of the "subtle" energy body.

To understand how these parallel approaches in Energy Medicine fit into the “big picture” a brief discourse on the energy spectrum is essential. Einstein’s famous E=MC2 equation lead to the perception that energy and mass are interchangeable. Even though this was considered outlandish by the scientific community of his time, it is now an accepted standard of science. Einstein’s age of scientific inquiry lead to the current view of energy as spectrum divided roughly into three ranges, Newtonian, quantum and subtle energy.

The Newtonian range is the low end of the energy spectrum and gives us the ability to manipulate our environment with predictable, measurable data. It is represented by all energies that we are familiar with, electricity, magnetism and gravity.

The mid-range of the spectrum, the Quantum scale, is currently measured with the aid of “high” energy particle accelerators. To measure quantum energy, physicists must initiate “high” energy particle reactions by generating tremendous amounts of electromagnetic energy. Data shows that both the presence and intention of the scientist changes the outcome in research. They have actually manifested mass in laboratory experiments. It was noticed that once a quantum particle was predicted it seemed as if the mere “thought” of expecting to see it, was manifesting it. In retrospect it was deemed a very “subtle” effect of the scientist’s presence. This is where the term subtle energy arose. It is not a metaphysical term but a scientific one. This eloquently demonstrates the vast energetic nature of the human body in that it is able to affect mass on a quantum scale.

Above the quantum spectrum is the “subtle energy” spectrum. It is thought to comprise the energies above the speed of light. Einstein derived a limit on the speed of light as a fundamental posit of his quantum theory. By limiting all mass as having energy lower than the speed of light, he was able to explain all of the mysterious phenomena researchers were producing in the lab. The term “subtle” is a misnomer as there is actually nothing subtle about this energy. It is expansive, reactive, powerful and creative. The “energy body” and “energies” referred to by different energetic therapies are actually expressions of this subtle energy spectrum.

What is the Energy Body?
The energy body encompasses four aspects: the Fields (aura), the Hara/Core Star energy, the Chakras and the Meridian system. The Field is a radiation of energy that represents the whole of human expression. The Hara/Core Star energy holds all of our individual and collective possibility. It is the template for who we are according to our highest design. The Chakra system expresses energy relative to our issues and regulates the body in zones. The Meridian system is the communication system between zones, organs and body systems, such as the Endocrine system. It has been said that the human body is ‘crystallized star light’. If you consider how these energy systems manifest and interact, it is a fairly accurate description.

Each energy system has the mathematical description of a waveform. In every waveform there are end points and nodal points (singularities). Mathematically, at these points there is a brief span of time where the energy seems to disappear. Each system (Hara, Chakra, etc.) has its own waveform and nodal points. For example in the Chakra system, each Chakra is a nodal point.

The Hara/Core Star energy is the fastest, most subtle component of these systems. In this component we are mostly thought, light and space. As the energy in the Hara expresses, it differentiates and shifts to a lower frequency at the Chakra system. Like a prism divides a shaft of light into a rainbow, the Hara energy at its nodal points creates the Chakra network with a greater complexity. The Chakra system at its nodal points further ‘ramps down’, or differentiates, the energy and gives rise to the Meridian system. This system is much more complex and again, less subtle. When the Meridian system again ‘ramps down’ its frequencies at the nodes, the overall effect is to slow the energy enough to be at, or just below, the speed of light. Einstein has described mass as crystallized energy, so when our human energy system is differentiated by the Meridian system we manifest as physical mass. So, in fact, the human body is the densest, lowest frequency and most complex expression of the whole energy package. We are in fact, crystallized energy.

How Disease Manifests Energetically
Health is a reflection of the energetic balance and flow within an individual’s total energy package. If an experience, idea, or feeling is held in the energy body long enough, over time it can manifest as a physical disease. Health is expressed in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of an individual and disease is first manifested in the energy body. The more “starlight” or subtle energy the system resonates with, the more health and balance it expresses. The field of Energy Medicine (EM) has grown from this new understanding of energy and energy bodies and these energetic aspects can be accessed, diagnosed and treated by the EM practitioner. An EM practitioner trains to hold a very subtle flow of energy during a treatment session and invites the client into a resonance with this high frequency. As areas of congestion in the body begin to actively vibrate, they can break up and be released from the energy system, bringing about balance and a return to health.

Credentialing in Energy Medicine
The second part of the big picture in the energy medicine field is credentialing for Energy Medicine (EM) practitioners. (SEM-Specialist in Energy Medicine). At the national level credentialing has been outlined to create the missing standard for hands-on practitioners utilizing subtle energy practices. It is expected that this credential will give legality of touch and increase insurance coverage for clients working with energy specialists.

The ABHM identifies energy medicine as one field of study toward holistic medical certification. For national credentialing, the energy medicine field is limited to hands-on/hands-over-the-body energy disciplines. Excluded are disciplines like Qi Gong as they are considered a separate field (TCM-Traditional Chinese Medicine) by the AHMA. Examples of EM disciplines include Healing Touch, Energetic Healing, Polarity and Donna Eden’s program, among others. In order to be credentialed a practitioner must be certified in more than one of these energy disciplines by an independent agency. An applicant must have a four-year undergraduate degree (or equivalent) and coursework such as medical terminology, crisis counseling and ethics. Additionally, they are required to take advanced practice coursework in specific energy topics like physics, research and EM equipment.

This credentialing has the potential to solve the standardization problems in the EM field.
Credentialing will provide:

  • a common body of knowledge
  • standards and accountability for energy practitioners
  • a referral network
  • employment standard for healthcare professionals and establishments seeking highly trained practitioners

The client who hires an SEM can trust in the skills of a professional with this credential. Credentialing of hands-on practitioners and standardizing their knowledge base is critical to Energy Medicine’s national acceptance by healthcare. Stay tuned for further developments!

Janna Moll has been writing, teaching and practicing in the EM field for over 14 years. This article is an excerpt from her upcoming book called Energy Medicine The Big Picture. She has written the standards for credentialing in this field and has started Energy Medicine Specialists, an organization for independently certifying disciplines in the energy medicine field.


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