Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Toward A Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energies

Excerpt G: Toward A Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energies
Part I. Introduction: From the Great Chain of Being to Postmodernism in Three Easy Steps






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The following is an excerpt from the first draft of volume 2 of the Kosmos trilogy, tentatively titled Kosmic Karma (volume 1 of that trilogy was Sex, Ecology, Spirituality). This excerpt suggests a coherent and comprehensive theory of the many approaches to subtle energies, their origin, nature, and development. This particular excerpt comes toward the end of the volume, which means that somebody reading this excerpt will not have the benefit (or the torture) of having read the first part of the book. I will therefore present a brief introduction, followed by an integral approach to subtle energies.

The first two excerpts from Kosmic Karma ("An Integral Age at the Leading Edge" and "The Many Ways We Touch") can be found on this site; they explain the general approach itself. "AQAL" (pronounced ah-quil) is short for "all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, all types," which is the metatheory of the integral approach, and which will be explained as we go along.

Following the background Introduction (Part I), I will outline an "Integral Theory of Subtle Energies" (Part II), and end with a comparison with other theorists (Part IV).


Before we look at what modern science has brought to the picture of subtle energies, let's look at what the great wisdom traditions have to tell us. We will then attempt to bring both of them together in an integral theory of subtle energies.

The traditional "Great Chain of Being" is usually given as something like: matter, body, mind, soul, and spirit. In the Vedanta, for example, these are, respectively, the 5 sheaths or levels of Spirit: annamayakosha (the sheath or level made of physical food), the pranamayakosha (the level made of élan vital), the manomayakosha (the level made of mind), the vijnanamayakosha (the level made of higher mind or soul), and anandamayakosha (the level made of transcendental bliss or causal spirit. Vedanta, of course, adds turiya, or the transcendental ever-present Self, and turiyatita, or the nondual, ever-present, unqualifiable Spirit-as-such, but the simpler five-level scheme will work for our introductory purposes. We will return to the more "complete" version later.)

This five-level Great Chain of Being can be represented schematically as in figure 1. Although we have to be very careful with cross-cultural comparisons, interpretive schemes similar to this Great Chain or "Great Nest of Being" can be found in most of the wisdom traditions of the "premodern" world, as indicated in figures 2 and 3, which are diagrams used by Huston Smith to indicate the general similarities (or family resemblances) among these traditions.

With reference to figure 1, notice that the Great Chain, as conceived by its proponents (from Plotinus to Aurobindo), is indeed more of a Great Nest—or what is often called a "holarchy"—because each senior level goes beyond its junior levels but envelopes them (or "nests" them)—what Plotinus called "a development that is envelopment." Each higher level, however, also radically transcends its juniors and can neither be reduced to its juniors nor explained by them. This is indicated in figure 1 as (A), (A + B), (A + B + C), and so on, which means that each senior level contains elements or qualities that are emergent and nonreducible.

Figure 1. The Traditional Great Chain of Being

For example, when life (A + B) emerges "out of" matter (A), it contains certain qualities (such as sexual reproduction, interior emotions, autopoiesis, élan vital, etc.—all represented by "B") that cannot be accounted for in strictly the material terms of "A." Likewise, when mind ("A + B + C") emerges out of life, mind contains emergent characteristics ("C") that cannot be reduced to, nor explained by, life and matter alone. When soul ("A + B + C + D") emerges, it transcends mind and life and body. Evolution, then, is this "unfolding" of Spirit from matter to body to mind to soul to Spirit itself, or the realization of the absolute Spirit that was the Goal and Ground of the entire sequence.

Figure 2. The Great Chain in Various Wisdom Traditions, compiled by Huston Smith (graphic layout courtesy of Brad Reynolds).
click to enlarge

The best introduction to this traditional notion remains Schumacher's classic A Guide for the Perplexed, a title borrowed from Maimonides's great exposition on the same topic. The general idea is of a great holarchy of being and knowing, with the levels of reality in the "outer" world reflected in the levels of self (or levels of "interior" knowing and being), which is particularly suggested by figure 3.

Figure 3. "As Above, So Below" (from Huston Smith, Forgotten Truth; reprinted with permission.)

But, according to the traditions, this entire process of evolution or "un-folding" could never occur without a prior process of involution or "in-folding." Not only can the higher not be explained in terms of the lower, and not only does the higher not actually emerge "out of" the lower, but the reverse of both of those is true, according to the traditions. That is, the lower dimensions or levels are actually sediments or deposits of the higher dimensions, and they find their meaning because of the higher dimensions of which they are a stepped-down or diluted version. This sedimentation process is called " involution" or " emanation." According to the traditions, before evolution or the unfolding of Spirit can occur, involution or the infolding of Spirit must occur: the higher successively steps down into the lower. Thus, the higher levels appear to emerge "out of" the lower levels during evolution—for example, life appears to emerge out of matter—because, and only because, they were first deposited there by involution. You cannot get the higher out of the lower unless the higher were already there, in potential—sleeping, as it were—waiting to emerge. The "miracle of emergence" is simply Spirit's creative play in the fields of its own manifestation.

Thus, for the traditions, the great cosmic game begins when Spirit throws itself outward, in sport and play (lila, kenosis), to create a manifest universe. Spirit "loses" itself, "forgets" itself, takes on a magical façade of manyness ( maya) in order to have a grand game of hide-and-seek with itself. Spirit first throws itself outward to create soul, which is a stepped-down and diluted reflection of Spirit; soul then steps down into mind, a paler reflection yet of Spirit's radiant glory; mind then steps down into life, and life steps down into matter, which is the densest, lowest, least conscious form of Spirit. We might represent this as: Spirit-as-spirit steps down into Spirit-as-soul, which steps down into Spirit-as-mind, which steps down into Spirit-as-body, which steps down into Spirit-as-matter. These levels in the Great Nest are all forms of Spirit, but the forms become less and less conscious, less and less aware of their Source and Suchness, less and less alive to their ever-present Ground, even though they are all nevertheless nothing but Spirit-at-play.

If we can represent the major emergent stages in evolution as (A), (A + B), (A + B + C), and so on—where the addition signs mean that something is emerging or being added to manifestation—then we could represent involution as the prior subtraction process: Spirit starts out full and complete, with all of manifestation contained as potential in itself, which we can represent in brackets: [A + B + C + D + E]. Spirit first steps down into manifestation—and begins to "lose" itself in manifestation—by shedding its pure spiritual nature and assuming a manifest, finite, limited form—namely, the soul [A + B + C + D]. The soul has now forgotten "E," or its radical identity with and as Spirit, and, in the ensuing confusion and angst, the soul flees this terror by stepping down into mind [A + B + C], which has forgotten "D," its soul radiance; and mind flees into life, forgetting "C," or its intelligence; and finally life sheds even its vegetative vitality "B" and appears as inert, insentient, lifeless matter, "A"—at which point something like the Big Bang occurs, whereupon matter blows into concrete existence and it appears that in the entire manifest world, there exists nothing but insentient, dead, lifeless matter.

But this matter is curiously frisky, is it not? It doesn't just seem to lie about, on unemployment insurance, watching TV. This matter astonishingly begins to wind itself up: "order out of chaos" is what complexity physics calls it—or dissipative structures, or self-organization, or dynamic becoming. But the traditionalists were more straightforward about it: "God does not remain petrified and dead; the very stones cry out and raise themselves to Spirit," as Hegel put it.

In other words, according to the traditions, once involution has occurred, then evolution begins or can begin, moving from (A) to (A + B) to (A + B + C), and so on, with each major emergent step being but an unfolding or remembering of the higher dimensions that were secretly infolded or sedimented in the lower during involution. That which was dis-membered, fragmented, and forgotten during involution is re-membered, reunited, made whole, and realized during evolution. Hence, the doctrine of anamnesis, or Platonic and Vedantic "remembrance," so common in the traditions: if involution is a forgetting of who you are, evolution is a remembering of who and what you are: tat tvam asi: you are That. Satori, metanoia, moksha, and wu are some of the classic names for this realization.

1. Step One

As beautiful and brilliant as that interpretive scheme is, it is not without its problems. It is not so much that the scheme itself is wrong, as that the modern and postmodern world has added several profound insights that need to be added or incorporated if we want a more integral or comprehensive view. This is what is meant by "from the Great Chain to postmodernism in three easy steps."

The Problem

The Great Nest, involution and evolution, dimension-levels of being and knowing: those were some of the profound contributions of the great saints and sages of the premodern world, and can indeed be found in everything from the Enneads of Plotinus to the Lankavatara Sutra to The Life Divine of Aurobindo, all expressions of the great metaphysical systems.

But there is one item we should perhaps keep in mind as we moderns attempt to assess those ideas: the great metaphysical systems were, in the last analysis, interpretive frameworks that the sages gave to their spiritual experiences. These schemes, such as the Great Chain, were interpretations of living experiences—they were not some sort of fixed, rigid, ontological grids that are true for all eternity. If, in the following, I question the adequacy of some of these interpretations, I am not at all questioning the authenticity of the experiences or realizations of these great sages. I am simply suggesting that, as evolution itself continues to move forward, new horizons can be used to recontextualize and reframe these experiences in interpretive meshworks that are more adequate in the light of modern and postmodern contributions, so that the net result is something of an integration of the very best of premodern, modern, and postmodern forms of Spirit's own unfolding.

Toward that end, I will suggest three central difficulties with the interpretive frameworks of the great metaphysical systems, as well as three suggested remedies. In my opinion, we want to keep as much as possible of the great traditional systems while jettisoning their unnecessary metaphysical interpretations, interpretations that not only are not necessary to explain the same set of data, but interpretations that guarantee that spirituality will not get a fair hearing in the court of modern and postmodern thought.

The first difficulty can be seen with this example. If you look at any of the figures representing traditional metaphysics (figs. 1, 2, 3), notice that all of the levels higher than matter are indeed meta-physical, which means beyond physics or beyond matter. The material level includes, for example, the human brain as a complex material entity. This means, according to the metaphysical systems, that the feelings of a worm (which are level 2) are on a higher level of reality than the human brain (which is level 1).

Something is clearly not quite right with that scheme. Part of the problem is that the relation of human consciousness to human neurophysiology is something that is not obvious (and not even available) to introspective phenomenology (i.e., to meditation or contemplation), which means that items such as dopamine, serotonin, synaptic pathways, the Kreb's cycle, hypothalamic regulation, and so on, were not generally available to the ancients. Again, this does not mean that their spiritual realization was flawed or inadequate, but simply that they did not have the advantage of some of the finite facts that modern science has discovered. Were Plotinus alive today, you can bet that several chapters of the Enneads would be devoted to brain neurophysiology and its relation to spirit. Were Shankara alive today, his commentaries on the Brahma Sutras would no doubt have extensive discussions on the relation of the nadis to neurotransmitters.

Suggested Solution

What might Plotinus or Shankara have concluded about the relation of spiritual realities to material realities such as the brain? I believe they would have agreed to the following; but in any event, here is suggestion #1:

In the manifest world, what we call "matter" is not the lowest rung in the great spectrum of existence, but the exterior form of every rung in the great spectrum. Matter is not lower with consciousness higher, but matter and consciousness are the exterior and interior of every occasion.

Figure 4. Step One: Matter Is Not the "Bottom" of All Levels but the "Exterior" of All Levels.

This can be schematically represented as shown in figure 4, and in more detail in figure 5. The basic move here is to take what appears as "matter" off of the bottom rung of existence (with all the other levels being higher and "meta"-physical) and instead make it the exterior form of all of the other levels. The traditions always understood that the levels "higher" than matter were "invisible" to the ordinary senses, and the same is true with our reformulation: namely, all the "interior" dimensions (feelings, mutual understanding, compassion, awareness, consciousness, etc.) are invisible to the exterior senses; but we can do so without unnecessary "metaphysical" interpretations. (I know, what about reincarnation? Hang on a minute....)

Figure 5. The Four Quadrants.
click to enlarge

For the moment, we are confining our attention to the two upper quadrants. In the Upper-Right quadrant, we can see the evolution of exterior or "material" or "physical" forms, as disclosed by modern science. These exterior forms include, in order of increasing evolutionary complexity, items such as: atoms, molecules, early or prokaryotic cells, true or eukaryotic cells, organisms with a neural net, organisms with a neural cord (e.g., shrimp), a reptilian brain stem (e.g., lizard), a limbic system (e.g., horse), a neocortex or triune brain (e.g., humans, with several higher "structure-functions" also listed).

Those are all "exterior" or "material" forms, in that you can see them in the exterior, sensorimotor world. But each of those material forms of increasing complexity has, as an interior correlate, a level of increasing consciousness. Thus (following Whitehead): atoms, whose exterior forms are physical entities such as neutrons, protons, and electrons, have an interior of prehension or proto-feelings (proto-awareness); neuronal organisms possess interior sensations; organisms with neural cords have perception; the emergence of animals with a reptilian brain stem sees the emergence of interior impulses and instincts; an exterior limbic system emerges with interior emotions; a triune brain is the exterior or material form of an interior consciousness that can contain, among many other things, formal operational cognition, postconventional morality, vision-logic, linguistic capacities, and so on. (You can see some of these correlations between the Upper Right and the Upper Left in fig. 5.)

In other words, matter is not on the bottom rung of that evolutionary spiral, but is rather the exterior form of an evolution whose interiors contain correlative levels of feelings, awareness, consciousness, and so forth. AQAL metatheory handles this by saying that every mind has a body, or every state of consciousness has a corresponding signature state of matter-energy, or every interior prehension has an exterior form—in short, every occasion in the Upper-Left quadrant has a correlate in the Upper-Right quadrant, and vice versa. It is not merely that higher levels (of life and mind and soul) imprint matter or leave footprints in matter (which itself remains on the lowest level), but that what we call matter is the exterior form of each of those interior levels (as suggested in figs. 4 and 5).

Thus, what the premodern sages took to be META-physical realities are in many cases INTRA-physical realities: they are not above matter, nor beyond nature, nor meta-physical, nor super-natural: they are not above nature but within nature, not beyond matter but interior to it.

There is simply no way a premodern saint, in deep meditation on the nature of the soul, would or could know that his or her brain-wave patterns were settling into theta-alpha states; no way to know that serotonin was increasing, neural lactic acid was decreasing, cellular oxygen requirements were significantly diminishing, and hemispheric lateralization was occurring. All of the interior revelations of the soul therefore seemed and felt as if they were not physical, not material, not connected to nature at all, not a part of the fabric of material manifestation: they were meta-physical in every way.

As we will see, there are some aspects of the higher dimensions that might indeed be truly meta-physical; but the first thing we should note is that a great deal of what premodernity took to be meta-physical is in fact intra-physical, not above nature but within nature. This is the first step in moving from metaphysics to integral post-metaphysics.

2. Step Two

The Problem

Step #1 involves adding, to the profound wisdom of the premodern traditions, the invaluable contributions of modern science. Step #2 involves the further addition of the important contributions of Spirit's postmodern turn.

These contributions are summarized in the lower two quadrants of figure 5. The upper quadrants represent an individual being; the lower quadrants represent a group, collective, or system of individual beings. The Left-Hand quadrants represent the interiors of an individual or group; and the Right-Hand quadrants represent the exteriors of an individual or group. Thus, the four quadrants are the inside and outside of the individual and the collective. (Again, please forgive these shortcuts in explanation. See, e.g., The Marriage of Sense and SoulIntegrating Science and Religion, for a fuller discussion.)

The important point with reference to postmodernity is simply this: just as the metaphysical interpretations that the ancients gave their authentic spiritual experiences could not take advantage of modern scientific discoveries, so they could not take advantage of the profound disclosures of postmodernism, ethnomethodology, cultural contextualism, the sociology of knowledge, and so on. All of those, taken together, deliver a devastating indictment: much of what the ancient sages took as metaphysical absolutes are actually culturally molded and conditioned.

Suggested Solution

This does not mean that there are no cross-cultural truths or universals. It simply means that identifying them has to be done with much more care than metaphysics imagined; and that much of this identifying has to be done with research methodology, not speculative metaphysics. (See Excerpt C, posted on wilber.shambhala.com.)

The postmodern contribution to the discussion can be summarized by saying that every individual is nestled in systems of cultural and social networks, networks that have a profound influence on the knowing and being of individuals themselves. These networks are the Lower-Left (cultural) and Lower-Right (social) quadrants in figure 5. The LR quadrant represents social systems —the collective systems or collective exteriors of individual organisms, exteriors that can be seen in the exterior or sensorimotor world (recall that all Right-Hand quadrants can be seen "out there" because they are "material" or "exterior"). These exterior systems include items such as ecosystems, geopolitical systems, modes of techno-economic production (foraging, horticultural, informational, etc.), and all of the visible, exterior, concrete aspects of collectives or systems. Note again that, for the metaphysical traditions, all of these "material systems" would be on the lowest rung of existence, whereas, for integral post-metaphysics, they are simply the collective exterior dimensions of the "higher" (now interior) dimensions. The Lower Right is especially "Nature" that the higher dimensions are now within, not above.

The LL or cultural quadrant represents all the interiors of groups or collectives, interiors that (like all Left-Hand quadrants) cannot be seen "out there," interiors such as group values, identities, worldviews, cultural beliefs, background contexts, and so on. Systems theory focuses on the Lower-Right quadrant, and postmodern poststructuralism focuses on the Lower-Left quadrant—representing the exteriors and interiors of the collective.

Systems theory in its many forms emphasizes the fact that every individual organism is inseparably interconnected with its environment in dynamic webs of relationships and ecosystems, all of which can be seen "out there"—which again shows that "matter" is not the lowest level of being but simply the exterior form of all interior levels of being (in this case, the exteriorform of the collective or communal system).

Of course, nothing in systems theory or ecology deals with interior states of beauty, satori, samadhi, mutual understanding, values, worldviews, and so forth, because all of those are indeed interior (and therefore inaccessible with ecology or systems theory). Attempting to reduce all realities to one quadrant, as systems theory often does (e.g., Fritjof Capra), is known as quadrant absolutism, and is something an integral methodological pluralism attempts to avoid.

Postmodernism, on the other hand, is known for focusing on those interior or cultural aspects of an individual's being-in-the-world, where it emphasizes that much of what any society takes to be "given," "true," and "absolute" is in fact culturally molded, conditioned, and relative. That postmodernism itself is often caught in its own quadrant absolutism (where it tries to reduce everything to cultural constructions in the LL) should not detract from the important truths that it has contributed—all of which we summarize by saying that every occasion has a Lower-Left quadrant or dimension.

The four quadrants, then, represent four inseparable dimensions of any individual's being-in-the-world. These dimensions are so fundamental that every major natural language contains them as first-person, second-person, and third-person pronouns, which can be summarized as I, we, it, and its. The UL is "I," or the interior feelings or awareness of any individual sentient being (atoms to ants to apes). The UR is "it," or the exterior form of a sentient being (i.e., its matter and energy—which includes, as we will soon see, subtle energy). The LR is the exterior form of a group, collective, or system of sentient beings or individuals. And the LL the interior or collective consciousness, collective values, intersubjective backgrounds, cultural contexts, and so on. Again: the interior and the exterior of the individual and the collective.

I have included one more diagram, which is the four quadrants narrowed to some of their forms as they appear in humans (see fig. 6).

Figure 6. Some Aspects of the Four Quadrants as They Appear in Humans.
click to enlarge

I am not going to make a long drawn-out argument for this, but simply state my own opinion in the strongest way: any premodern spirituality that does not come to terms with both modernity and postmodernity has no chance of survival in tomorrow's world. One way to effect this integration is by using AQAL ("all quadrants, all levels"), which combines the enduring contributions of premodern, modern, and postmodern. The " all levels " part refers to the great spectrum of being and knowing first interpreted so brilliantly by the great premodern sages—matter to body to mind to soul to spirit (we will return to these levels in a moment). The " all quadrants " part refers to the refinements brought by modernity (namely, matter is not on the bottom of the rung but on the exterior of the rungs) and by postmodernity (namely, every individual is set in cultural and social contexts).

Adopting something like an AQAL framework is the major second step in moving from metaphysics to integral post-metaphysics.

3. Step Three

The Problem

Here we begin to address the role and nature of energy—gross energy, subtle energy, and causal energy. I have already suggested that mass and energy are aspects of the UR-dimension of every individual being—that is, they represent some of the exterior forms of every individual (and every system, as we will see).

The problem here might be stated as follows. Given (1) the premodern lack of clarity about the role of matter, and (2) the fact that the ancients therefore pictured subtle energies as fundamentally meta-physical or super-natural; but given (3) the modern understanding of matter as not bottom but exterior, then (4) how can we re-interpret in a more adequate fashion the relation of subtle energies to gross material forms?

Put simply, because matter is not the bottom of all levels but the exterior of all levels, where does subtle energy fit into this scheme? In the premodern traditions, subtle energy or "prana" was usually depicted as the second level in the Great Chain (e.g., pranamayakosha): it was a level of etheric or astral energy "above" physical matter and energy. But if matter itself is re-interpreted, how can subtle energy likewise be reinterpreted to keep pace with modern and postmodern revelations of Spirit's own unfolding?

Suggested Solution

The suggested solution in this case comes in the form of three hypotheses, two of which we have seen already, and the third of which deals directly with this issue.

#1. Increasing evolution brings increasing complexity of gross form. In the Upper Right, for example, we find quarks to protons to atoms to molecules to cells to complex organisms. This increase in complexity of form (via such processes as differentiation and integration) has long been noted by evolutionary biologists. Ervin Laszlo: "Thus, while a new level of organization means a simplification of system function, and of the corresponding system structure, it also means the initiation of a process of progressive structural and functional complexification." I think this "complexification" is fairly obvious and needn't detain us.

#2. Increasing complexity of form (in the UR) is correlated with increasing interior consciousness (in the UL). This was Teilhard de Chardin's "law of complexity and consciousness"—namely, the more of the former, the more of the latter. As we might put it more precisely, the greater the degree of exterior complexity of material form, the greater the degree of interior consciousness that can be enacted within that form (i.e., correlation of UR and UL).

#3. Further—and this is the connecting hypothesis— increasing complexity of gross form is correlated with increasingly subtlety of energies. As evolution proceeds to more and more complex gross forms, the increasing degree of gross complexity is accompanied by subtler and subtler corresponding (or signature) energy patterns. Since we are at this point focusing on individual beings, we have this: increasing evolution brings increasing complexity of gross form (in the UR), which is correlated with an increasing degree of consciousness (in the UL), and, in the UR itself, a subtilization of corresponding energies. Thus, instead of interpreting higher levels as being essentially divorced from gross matter or gross form, the complexification of gross form is the vehicle of manifestation for both subtler energies and greater consciousness. 1

If those connecting links hold, that would be the third major step in the move from premodern metaphysics to integral post-metaphysics, a move that, I believe, retains the enduring truths of the great metaphysical traditions but without what appears to be their outmoded interpretative frameworks. But that brings us to the end of this brief introduction and to the beginning of the main discussion of an integral theory of subtle energies.



by William A. Tiller, Ph.D.

NOTE OF INTRODUCTIONThose Net surfers who have been keeping up with the chapters of THE BOOK gradually accumulating in Section 2 of this database will already know that Bill Tiller has honored me with his friendship since 1972. He has also been a valued, and often needed, mentor regarding conventional and non-conventional science matters.After receiving his doctorate (1955) in physical metallurgy from the University of Toronto, Dr. Tiller spent nine years at Westinghouse Research Laboratory conducting theoretical and experimental investigations into the detailed physics of the freezing processes of a wide range of materials. His work in this area aided in increased knowledge of crystallization put to work to generate many new processes for technological development.He joined Stanford University (1964) as professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and has been Emeritus Professor since 1992. During this period, and continuing, he has been consultant to government and industry in the fields of metallurgy and solid state physics. His fields of specialization are crystal growth, surfaces and interfaces, physical metallurgy, semiconductor processing, thin film formation and computer simulation.He has published more than 250 scientific papers, three technical books and has five patents issued. He was elected Fellow to the American Academy for the Advancement of Science (1966), held a Guggenheim Fellowship (1970-71), and was Distinguished Visiting Professor, School of Engineering, University of Delaware (1981-82). In 1982, he received the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the International New Thought Alliance of Churches, and in 1996 received the J. G. Gallimore Award For Innovative New Research from United States Psychotronic Association (USPA).Alongside his illustrious work in conventional science, Professor Tiller has had a long-term interest in anomalous and exceptional energies, psychotronics, Kirlian effects, healing, modes of consciousness and psychoenergetics. Within a conceptual framework that incorporates all of conventional science, he has devoted significant efforts to developing theoretical modeling to understand this combined "subtle energy" class of seemingly strange phenomena. He is currently devoting effort to the development of reliable instrumentation for the detection and study of "subtle energy" fields in nature. He has published over seventy papers regarding these novel efforts, and one book in the psychoenergetics area. He is a Founding Director of the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine (California) and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, is formerly a Director of the World Health Trust (England), and Associate Editor of the JOURNAL OF HOLISTIC MEDICINE.Many scientists and leading-edge thinkers recognize that Prof. Tiller's work bridges the so-called conventional and non-conventional realms of scientific inquiry, and that his work has opened up well-founded scientific criteria for pursuit of inquiry into the latter. As he indicates, "What we can see with our eyes comprises less than ten percent of the universe. The real power sustaining the architecture of the ten percent is the energy contained in the unseen ninety percent."Prof. Tiller's forty years of research in subtle energies and psychoenergetics has recently been brought together in his latest 1997 book SCIENCE AND HUMAN TRANSFORMATION: SUBTLE ENERGIES, INTENTIONALITY AND CONSCIOUSNESS. (This new book may be ordered from Pavior Publishing, 2910 Camino Diablo #100, Walnut Creek, CA 94596, (501) 295-0786. Paper, 316 pgs., $24.95 + $5.00 s/h USA, $8.75 s/h Canada & Europe. CA residents add 8.25% Sales Tax ($2.06).)Here, a scientific model of the Unseen is presented from many different aspects, in both lay language and scientific mathematical presentation. This new book is an outgrowth of his exploration of the intricate interrelationships between the internal and external energy environments of nature and human organisms. His theoretical model postulates that nature expresses itself via many other "subtle" dimensions than the physical and the simple cognitive domain referred to as "space/time." Because of these other dimensions, potentials of substance and radiations exist from these subtle domains for enhanced interactions with the physical domain in ways that can significantly add to our present knowledge. I have pressed Bill Tiller to provide for this database a brief paper that includes some of the basic concepts revealed by his research and the theoretical paradigm emerging. So we are grateful to him for his kind permission to reproduce his paper with the stipulation that copyright and all other rights are reserved to him. For further information, please be directly in touch with Prof. Tiller at the address included in the paper. (Ingo Swann)

William A. Tiller, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-2205
TOPICAL AREA: Science, human transformation, subtle energies

KEY WORDS: Consciousness, intentionality, physical/subtle domains
Results of three uniquely different experiments are provided, each providing robust correlates of subtle energy events manifesting in the physical band of reality. Taken together, the experiments support the postulate that subtle energy signals not directly observable by physical means do create a transduced signal at the magnetic vector potential field level of the physical realms. Within the concepts of our standard electrodynamics, the transduction of the subtle energy signals generates electric and magnetic signals that have observable physical effects. The experimental results are also suggestive that human intention when applied to unseen subtle domains is the effective driver of events seen in the physical domain.
Early in this century, medicine saw living organisms as operating via the following interaction/reaction equation:
Function <-> Structure <-> Chemistry
In keeping with this equation, human health was thought to depend on the integrity of the body structure. The integrity of the body structure depended on a relatively stable state of equilibrium (i.e., homeostasis) between the different but interdependent structural parts. In turn, homeostasis depended on a host of organic and inorganic chemicals.Whenever the body didn't function properly, structural defects arising out of chemical imbalances were blamed.
To cure this problem and restore the needed homeostasis of the body, prescriptions were ordered involving sophisticated chemical complexes at increasingly larger dosages in order to trigger the body's defense and repair mechanisms.This approach led to what can be called "chemical medicine" with its many strengths and weaknesses.
Later in the century, neuropsychiatry demonstrated that small electric currents between specific points in the brain gave rise to the same behavioral changes that were observed with the ingestion of certain brain-stimulating chemicals.Other researchers found that small electric currents can stimulate cells to regenerate, tissue to repair itself and fractures to heal.Although the use of x-rays and diathermy have a long history in medicine, recent extensions to MRI scans all tend to indicate that the earlier three-part equation (shown above) was incomplete.
In the light of the electric current effects, a four-part equation was presented, the fourth part involving electric and magnetic fields:E/M
Function <-> Structure <-> Chemistry <-> Fields
The body's electric and magnetic fields provide the necessary conditions for homeostasis at the chemical level.Detection of imbalances at the electric/magnetic field levels would be an early warning factor of coming potential disruptions in the chemical homeostasis condition, and which, if unchecked, would eventually result in repercussions at the body's functional level.
Research and study of hypnosis and hypnotic affects revealed that the human body can exhibit truly remarkable feats of strength and endurance - attesting to an important linkage of body/mind, in which the mind can influence not only the body's structure and function, but also its chemistry and electric/magnetic fields.
Advancing research in psychotherapy revealed that certain chemical treatments induce specific mental states - while certain mental treatments influence specific chemical populations.
More recently, biofeedback techniques have shown that directed mind not only can control various autonomic body functions (such as skin temperature, pain, etc.) but can also repair the body.
Thus, a new five-part equation became necessary:E/M
Function <-> Structure <-> Chemistry <-> Fields <-> Mind
Well-controlled, remote influence experiments with healers, and experiments with psychokinesis, clairvoyance, remote viewing, homeopathy and many other phenomena, indicate the existence of processes inadequately understood. The nature of these processes extends beyond conventional knowledge of the physical domains of nature, and appear to involve emotional, spiritual and other intangible qualities.
These qualities should also enter an extend form of the five-part equation presented above. However, since we presently do not have clear definitions of these different qualities, they might temporarily be put into the category of SUBTLE ENERGIES.Preliminary research data indicate that the subtle energies somehow influence the electric and/or magnetic fields of the body, and which influences have demonstrable effects on its structure, function, chemistry, and the mind.The SUBTLE ENERGIES can include emotional, mental and spiritual qualities, but appear to operate in connection with physically intangible factors that can be called ETHERIC.
These qualities should also be entered into the equation:E/M Subtle
Function <-> Structure<->Chemistry<->Fields<->Energy
In conventional science, four forces are considered responsible for all observable phenomena in the universe:The strong nuclear force;The weak nuclear force;The electromagnetic force: andThe gravitational force.These four forces characterize the purely physical domain very well. Thus, the "subtle energies" referred to above, and the subtle forces/effects they generate, are not necessarily weak - but rather constitute that large body of elusive energies and forces beyond the four accepted by today's physical science.
Let us now refer to three very different experiments to see how some of these unseen energies can produce strong physical correlates under certain special conditions, so that significant manifestations are observable by our physical instrumentation.
Three Experiments In WhichSubtle Energy Activity Was Observed
Experiment A: Some Evidence of Subtle Energies on Photographic Film
During the early 1970s, a gentleman named Stan came to see me about some photographs he had taken. At the time, his camera was a simple Kodak with a plastic lens, and the film was Kodak Kodacolor.Strange lights and illuminations appeared on the photos. Stan indicated much the same thing happened when other people gave him their cameras to take pictures. He first thought he was a camera klutz. But he eventually realized that the film phenomena correlated with special inner states he could sense and which he felt "energized" the camera. dak which processed the photographs.In addition to the expected physical scenes, remarkable optical effects were imprinted on the photographs.
The special occasions when the optical effects were most probably to be obtained were (a) at spiritual rock concerts; (b) at religious shrines; and (c) at high-energy metaphysical lectures.
The special inner states involved the following physiological symptoms. Whenever he would sense a particular feeling in his 7th cervical plus 4th thoracic vertebrae and snapped a picture, he would invariably find some anomaly present on the subsequent photograph. In addition to the expected physical scenes, remarkable optical effects were imprinted on the photographs.His camera had been sent to Kodak and certified to be in good working order. The photographs were also sent to Kodak specialists to determine what kind of picture-taking error had transpired. ....
Over a fifteen-year period, out of 9,000 photographs taken 5,000 contained easily distinguishable anomalies. During all of this time, his only intention during the picture-taking process was "to reveal God's universe."
In a series of studies I carried out with this man, two cameras were utilized. One camera was sensitized by the man, the other was not. Both were mounted on a single tripod with a single shutter release. Standard Kodak color film and standard Kodak processing were used, and the man was never allowed to touch the film during loading or unloading.
Most photo pairs showed very significant differences.The photos from the sensitized camera would often show one or more people in the frame as somewhat transparent over a portion of their body so that objects behind them could clearly been seen through the transparent (translucent) portion.However, the photos from the unsensitized camera showed their bodies fully formed and opaque as one would expect.In other single camera experiments, the opaque lens cap was placed on the sensitized camera, but remarkably clear photographs THROUGH this opaque barrier were still obtained.
This man appeared to be able to sensitize any camera merely by keeping it close to his body for several days.After he had fully sensitized a camera (or charged it up with his subtle energies), it could be passed to someone else to take the pictures. Some anomalies would continue to appear on the photographs for the next hour, after which time period no further anomalies would appear.
Certain deductions can be made from this study.(1) Some kind of radiations exist in nature that can travel through materials that are normally opaque to visible light.(2) Such radiations, which may be normally present in nature, can be imaged via the camera onto the film by some quality inherent in this man's energy field, and register an imprint at the physical level of the silver halide grains of the film.(3) Some "energy soaking time" is needed for the camera to acquire this anomalous capacity after placing it in the special energy field of this man.(4) This acquired anomalous capacity leaks away with a time constant of about l hour - unless continually "pumped" by the energy field of this particular man.
Experiment B: Feedback of Biological Radiation
Known in Asia since ancient times, acupuncture points have been used for treating bodily dysfunction. Under research, the points have been found to have electrical characteristics that differ from the surrounding skin, even though no striking histological difference at the physical level has been detected.Variations in mental alertness are known to cause significant changes in the electrical characteristics of the skin points.Some Soviet researchers found that mental concentration, or "directed-mind" techniques, can be used to increase the "effective" voltage difference between similar points on the left and right sides of the body - an "effective" increase, for example, being a mind-directed shift from 50 milivolts to 500 milivolts.
With the help of two of my Stanford students during the mid-1970s, I designed and built a detector to register such mind-directedenergy from the body. The detector included a pulse counter that could measure energy shifts and which could be displayed on an oscilloscope.
The detector has a sandwich-like form. The "bread" of this sandwich is two parallel planar dielectric surfaces. The "meat" of the sandwich is a gas isolated between the two surfaces.An external voltage, generated by a high voltage power supply, powers the device to a level BELOW the electrical breakdown voltage of the gas. There is thus no sustained discharge through the isolated gas, but small microavalanches of electrical charge form in it due to the ambient electric field. These small electrical charges can be thought of as micro lightening bolts.By adjusting the sensitivity of the pulse counter to NOT count the largest microavalanches, a background or baseline profile of ZERO counts could be selected. This reduced static capacitive effects. With such a baseline, a human's intentionality effect on the functioning of the device could be determined via an increased number of counts during a five minute test period.
After showing that the important human interaction with the device were dynamic, mind-directed effects rather than static capacitive effects, a variety of experiments were carried out to reveal key features of the dynamic effect.For example, in one kind of experiment the subject stood or sat closer to the detector for a five minute period with the hands placed around but not touching the detector, and then mentally focused their intention on increasing the count rate. The total counts for the period were then recorded and tabulated.
Over the three year period between 1977 and 1979, several thousand different tests under a wide variety of different conditions were conducted with several dozen different subjects. Some results were extremely revealing and encouraging [1].
On days when the device was working well, anyone could produce a positive result, young and old people, students, healers and nonhealers, etc. The results were analogous to psychokinetic influencing of the detector. But from a purely subjective viewpoint, those with an high ability to focus their attention produced an higher ratio of success while those with only a small focusing ability produced a lower ratio. Also, subjects with previous experience using the device generally produced higher count rates than new subjects.
On some occasions, usually lasting for one to several days, no one was able to produce an enhanced count rate, and we were unable to determine why. No correlation was found with moon phases, rain storms, etc. No consideration has as yet been given to geomagnetic field activity.On still other occasions, great effort was required to produce enhanced count rates, and at these times some successful subject failed.
Extensive studies were carried out to determine if this human form of subtle energy could be shielded from the device, or if an alternate inanimate energy source could also trigger it. The answer to both questions was essentially "No."
It is reasonable to conclude from directed-intention study that mental focusing and concentration, under certain conditions, is an important subtle energy factor with regard to overall human functioning. This factor probably has far-reaching implications, and its existence is being confirmed by other researchers.
For example, in 1991 researcher H. Motoyama reported in a significant experiment [2].Two subjects, one with marked psychic ability, the other not psychic, were placed in separate rooms shielded by concrete walls lined with lead.
The psychic concentrated on the other person while Motoyama monitored some of his body functions. Remarkable changes were noted regarding pulse rate, blood flow, skin resistance and respiration during the concentration period of the psychic.Since the two rooms were well shielded against information transfer via physical energies, the effects on the biology of the second person appear to require some non-physical energy involvement.
Experiment C: Large Voltages in the Body of an Exceptional Subject

The third experiment was carried out primarily by Elmer Green and his associates at the Menninger Clinic and involved a simulated healing experiment using an accomplished healer in a specially designed "copper wall" environment [3, 4].
Wired up to a variety of electro-physiological instruments, the healer either stood or sat on a framework placed within four large, square copper walls. The framework was electrically insulated.The four copper walls were placed in front, behind, above and below the healer, and the healer was centered inside. Each of the four walls was attached to electrically isolated electrometers that simultaneously recorded any changes in voltages of the walls.
Likewise, the healer was attached to other measuring equipment, and an electrode on the healer's ear lobe recorded the time variation of her body voltage.
A number of affects were noted as the healer attempted to extend energy. Principally among these effects, it was observed that instead of the usual 10-15 millivolt baseline (which usually includes a 1 millibolt ripple), her body voltage often plunged 30 to 300 VOLTS, and then returned to baseline in 0.5 to 10 seconds.This large body voltage pulse was astonishing in that it was 100,000 times the normal, and, equally astonishing, smaller correlated pulses appeared on each of the four copper walls.
Additionally, in a single 30 minute healing session, the measuring equipment recorded FIFTEEN of these anomalously large pulses.
Based upon a theoretical multidimensional model, a working hypothesis that might help conceptualize the extraordinary voltage behavior of the healer's body is as follows:(1) A subtle energy pulse is emitted from some unknown location of the body;(2) The subtle energy structure of the body responsible for this pulse is somehow coupled to the physical body structure so that a transduced effect materializes at the physical level. This effect extends outward from the body and is echoed in the copper walls as measured by the electrometers simultaneously recording any voltage changes in the walls.(3) Since the pulses were measured on the healer's body and simultaneously on the copper walls, it is necessary to propose that a pulse of magnetic vector potential is generated from this transduction. This pulse can be referred to as Pulse A.(4) Within the physical realities of standard electrodynamics, Pulse A generates an electric field, now referred to as Field E. Field E is of a specific shape that grows to a maximum extent, then reverses itself, finally shrinking to zero.(5) Such an electric field effect would cause the ions of the local body electrolyte to separate and produce an electric charge dipole. This first expands to a maximum extent and then collapses back to zero after a short time.(6) It would be this charge dipole that creates the large voltage swing at the electrodes on the healer's ear and upon the copper walls.
Based on the conceptual picture emerging from experiment outlined above, this author developed a quantitative mathematical model of the process apparently involved and compared it with the experimental data.It was found that of the fifteen extraordinary pulses, thirteen of them had the same origin in the healer's body - the lower abdomen and the frontal area of the body. This location is consistent with the "second chakra" point known in acupuncture, and sometimes referred to as the "Dan Tien" or the "Hara" point.
The electric dipole length (or pulse) was predicted to be very large, extending from the ear (as the negative charge end) to the feet (as the positive charge end). However, only a very small electric current flow was required for a very short time to achieve this result (pulse?).
As a result of this important study, it can be seen that the large electric voltage pulses appearing at the physical level of the measuring devices are resulting from some kind of correlation with the subtle energy level manifestations. The subtle energy level manifestations themselves are not directly observable, but they set into motion electric shifts that can be physically measured.
This author postulates that a vector potential exists between the subtle energies and the physical electric energies, and that the vector is probably magnetic:
Subtle Energies <-> Magnetic vector <-> Electric Energies
The magnetic vector potential plays a special role in nature as the "bridging" element between the subtle domains and the physical domain. The existence of the magnetic vector potential yields the successful quantitative connection in the physical domain of the activity of the subtle energy pulses involved.
With regard to Experiment B, it is interesting to consider that if the human emits bursts of subtle energy toward the gas discharge device, these will manifest at the physical level as bursts of A in the device. This then yields pulses of increased E in the gas, and which will then drive subthreshold electron microavalanches so that they become large enough to register as superthreshold counts.
With regard to Experiment A, it is also interesting to consider that if the man's strong subtle energy field produced a patterned A distribution of appreciable magnitude, then the time-variation of this would yield an E-distribution over the film. In keeping with this, it is known in the photographic film industry that electric fields will produce silver halide grain development in the film - EVEN IN THE ABSENCE OF VISIBLE LIGHT.

Tentative Conclusions
Based on a significant amount of experimental evidence emerging from numerous researchers, it appears that the physical domain is interconnected with a "subtle energy" domain. Although not directly measurable in physical terms, the actions of the subtle energies produce physical activity that is measurable in physical terms.For this to occur, it would seem that a "magnetic vector potential" of some kind must exist, via which the activity of the subtle energies is transduced into measurable physical events.
A theoretical model can thus be postulated, showing that body functions may have two, not just one, "paths." The first path would consist of familiar physical conditions; the second path would consist of subtle energy conditions. Mind/consciousness would appear to have threshold connectivity between the two paths.The theoretical equation would be something along the following lines:[ Body [ Direct Body Electric [ Space/Time<->Physical<->Monopole. . . . [ Structure Chemistry Fields . [ . . [ . .[ . Body Higher Than[ BODY Magnetic 4-D[ FUNCTION Vector <<-->> Subtle Energy[ . Potential Fields[ . .[ . Body .[ Frequency Body Magnetic .[ Domain <->Etheric<->Monopole . . . . . [ Structure Chemistry Fields
It is important to understand that the fragmentary data described in this paper do not constitute satisfactory proof of the philosophical perspectives expressed by the various equations. Any individual piece of data is contestable for a variety of scientific reasons. However, taken as a whole, the sum is compelling circumstantial evidence that nature does, indeed, function largely as indicated by the equations. And each equation given in this paper is correct at some level of functioning.
The body of experimental data regarding the probable existence of "subtle energies" is growing more appreciable as time moves on. The idea it taking shape that the four physical forces, correct within what they refer to, are not sufficient to explain all of Nature's phenomena, especially regarding mind and consciousness.
1. Tiller, W.A., "A Gas Discharge Device for Investigating Focused Human Attention." JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION, 4 (1990), 225.2. Motoyama, H., THE CORRELATION BETWEEN PSI ENERGY AND KI. Tokyo: Human Science Press, 1991.3. Green, Elmer E., P.A. Parks, P.M. Guyer, S. L. Fahrion and L. Coyne, "Anomalous Electrostatic Phenomena in Exceptional Subjects." SUBTLE ENERGIES 2 (1993) 69.4. Tiller, W. A., E.E. Green, P.A. Parks and S. Anderson, "Toward Explaining Anomalously Large Body Voltage Surges on Exceptional Subjects: Part I, The Electrostatic Approximation." JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION, 9 (1995) 331.
Other References
Tiller, W.A., "Towards A Future Medicine Based on Controlled Energy Fields." PHOENIX 1 (1977) 5.Tiller, W.A., "What Are Subtle Energies?" JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION, 7 (1993) 293.Tiller, W.A., "Toward Understanding Living Bio-Magnetophoto-electrochemical Systems."
Books by William Tiller, Ph.D.

Subtle Energy Research- Institute of HeartMath

Institute of HeartMath

Subtle Energy Research
Subtle energy is used in this context as Einstein used it, that is, to describe a type of energy that is at present not fully understood or measurable with today's equipment. This is similar to how electromagnetism was viewed only 250 years ago. The effects could be seen but not directly measured.

The vision of the research team and the results of the studies we have conducted so far have attracted eminent scientists involved in cutting-edge human energy research. For example, Dr. William A. Tiller, Professor Emeritus of Stanford University and a pioneering researcher of subtle energy, will be on the IHM research team as they conduct their ground-breaking studies. Dr. Vladimir Poponin, formerly of the Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a co-discoverer of the DNA phantom effect, has also joined the IHM research team.
For related research that researchers at IHM want to continue, Dr. William A. Tiller and his colleagues at Stanford University developed a subtle energy detector -- an ultra-sensitive Geiger counter-type device -- with which they demonstrated the existence of an energy field that is not in the electromagnetic spectrum. With this special detector, Dr. Tiller demonstrated that this subtle energy field responds to intentional human focus.
The combination of the instrument that detects the DNA phantom effect and the ultra-sensitive gas discharge detector represent two of the most advanced technologies known for the scientific study of subtle energy. Much of the basic research and the proof that these are workable technologies has already been completed. These instruments will provide the tools for careful study of subtle energy that will greatly advance our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. IHM is also designing and planning to conduct experiments with a number of other types of detectors as well. A number of studies conducted at IHM have demonstrated the effects of subtle energies on changes in the conformational states of DNA and the structure of water. (References for the published aspects of this work is provided at the end of this section).

Measuring the Human Subtle Energy Fields
To date, we have monitored electrophysiological changes in the body, associated with the progress of an individual's inner self-management, via skin-contact devices like ECG, EEG, etc. This provides some essential information but much is lost, especially for the electrical and magnetic processes going on in the body. The important information of a more subtle field nature is completely lost. The next step is to monitor these important fields in the space adjacent to the body via non-contact devices at distances from inches to many feet. Here, one wishes to detect the field shape, amplitude and the polarization present at a grid of points surrounding the body. To do this properly, for a single field, one needs an array of detectors of the same basic type (ten or more). The ability to discriminate details increases with the number of detectors in the array.

Individual Detector Types:
(ø) A conventional Langmuir type device can be used to measure the electrostatic fields and provides the voltage distribution in space and time.
(E) A new type of dielectric polarization detector that we are developing is capable of giving us both the magnitude and orientation of the electric field in space and time.
(H) Squid detector elements are now available to provide measurements of the magnetic fields as a function of space and time.
(A) The magnetic vector potential fields include both an electrodynamic part and subtle parts which we have reason to believe are associated with the more subtle fields. The Josephson Junctions used in the squid detector have the ability to measure A directly in space and time. Thus, the independent and simultaneous measurement of the magnetic, electric, electrostatic and magnetic vector potentials will allow one to gain a measure of the subtle fields.
Research has shown that humans emit photons in at least the range from the infrared to the ultraviolet. We anticipate that both the flux and frequency spectra of these photons will shift dependent upon the actual internal emotional and mental states of the subject. Solid state photo cells are now available over this entire spectral range.

G. Rein, R. McCraty. Structural Changes in Water and DNA Associated with New Physiologically Measurable States. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1994:8(3): 438-39.
G. Rein, R, McCraty. Local and non-local effects of coherent heart frequencies on conformational changes of DNA. Proc. Joint USPA/IAPR Conference, Milwaukee, WI 1993
G. Rein, R, McCraty. Modulation of DNA by coherent heart frequencies. Proc. 3rd annual ISSSEEM conference, Monterey CA. 1993
R, McCraty. ECG Spectra: The measurement of coherent and incoherent frequencies and their relationship to mental and emotional states. Proc. 3rd annual ISSSEEM conference, Monterey CA. 1993

New Technology Provides Scientific Evidence of Water's Capacity to Store and Amplify Weak Electromagnetic and Subtle Energy Fields:
A growing body of recent scientific evidence is now confirming traditional intuitive understandings of water's role as mediator between the energetic and material worlds and its function as an accumulator, transmitter and transducer of energy patterns and information.




Dramatic scientific evidence that all of physical matter is formed by an “aether” of invisible, conscious energy has existed since at least the 1950s.

Renowned Russian astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983, pronounced Ko-zir-ev,) proved beyond any doubt that such an energy source had to exist, and as a result he became one of the most controversial figures in the history of the Russian scientific community.

The awesome implications of his work, and of all those who followed him, were almost entirely concealed by the former Soviet Union, but with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the advent of the Internet we are finally gaining access to “Russia’s Best-Kept Secret.”

Two generations of remarkable research by thousands of Ph.D. level specialists have emerged from Kozyrev’s seed findings, which completely change our understanding of the Universe. With our prominent mention of him in this book, we hope to permanently establish his historical importance and impact to our colleagues and readers.

Figure 1.1 – Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev


The word “aether” means “shine” in Greek, and the fundamental reality of such an unseen, fluidlike source of universal energy has long been a hallmark of the world’s secret mystery schools. The works of Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Plato discussed it at great length, as did the Vedic scriptures of ancient India, referring to it by several names such as “prana” and “Akasha.”

In the Orient, it is often known as “chi” or “ki,” and special emphasis is placed on its interactions with the human body, such as in the science of acupuncture. Masters and adepts who inherited the secret traditions could eventually learn to manipulate this energy to create miraculous results, such as levitation, teleportation, manifestation, instant healing, telepathy and the like.

Such results have been repeatedly documented in the 20th century and studied in the laboratory, as we wrote in Convergence: The Science of Oneness.

The aether’s existence was widely accepted without question in scientific circles until the early 20th century, when the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 was co-opted to “prove” that no such hidden energy source existed.

However, more recent breakthroughs involving “dark matter,” “dark energy”, “virtual particles”, “vaccum flux” and “zero-point energy,” to name a few, have brought reluctant Western scientists to acknowledge that there must indeed be an unseen energy medium throughout the Universe.

As long as you use a benign term like the “quantum medium” and not the forbidden word ‘aether,’ you can talk about it in the mainstream press without much fear of ridicule.

The mainstream scientific establishment is very heavily polarized against anyone who gets too close to an ‘aether’ theory, as they “know” that such a theory must be false and will therefore fight vigorously against it. However, such suppression only increases the desire and commitment that many others have put into solving the puzzle.

One early example of proof for the existence of the aether comes from Dr. Hal Puthoff, a respected scientist from Cambridge University. Puthoff frequently mentions experiments from the early 20th century that were designed to see if there was any energy in “empty space,” conducted before quantum mechanics theory ever existed.

In order to test this idea in the laboratory, it was necessary to create an area that was completely free of air (a vacuum,) and lead-shielded from all known electromagnetic radiation fields by using what is known as a Faraday cage. This airless vacuum space was then cooled down to absolute zero or -273° C,the temperature where all matter should stop vibrating and thus produce no heat.

These experiments proved that instead of an absence of energy in the vacuum, there was a tremendous amount of it, from a completely non-electromagnetic source! Dr. Puthoff has often called this a "seething cauldron" of energy in very high magnitudes.

Since this energy could still be found at absolute zero, this force was dubbed "zero point energy" or ZPE, whereas the Russian scientists usually call it the “physical vacuum” or PV. Recently, established mainstream physicists John Wheeler and Richard Feynman have calculated that:

The amount of zero-point energy in the space volume of a single light bulb is powerful enough to bring all the world’s oceans to the boiling point!

Clearly, we are not dealing with some weak, unseen force, but rather a source of almost impossibly grand power, which would have more than enough strength to sustain the existence of all of physical matter.

In the new view of science that is emerging from aether theory, all four of the basic force fields, whether gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear or strong nuclear force, are all simply different forms of the aether/ZPE.

To get another idea of how much “free” energy really exists all around us, Professor M.T. Daniels found that the density of the gravitational energy near the surface of the earth is equal to 5.74 × 1010 (t/m3). [Let us not forget that gravity would simply be another form of aether in this new model.]

Prof. Daniels’ finding means that drawing a sizable 100 kilowatts of this “free energy” power from the gravitational field dips into an extremely tiny 0.001% of the natural energy that is being produced in that area. (New Energy News, June 1994, p.4)

Research conducted by Nikola Tesla led to his statement in 1891 that the aether “behaves as a fluid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and heat,” and that under “sufficiently high voltage and frequency,” it could be accessed – which was his hint that free energy and anti-gravity technologies were possible.

Let us pay special attention, again, to Tesla’s statement that the aether has a fluidlike effect when we are dealing with solid objects, as this ties in directly with the work of Dr. N.A. Kozyrev.


In Chapters 3 and 4, we will explode the myths of quantum physics and show that the oft-cited “particle” model of the atom is seriously flawed. Just as Einstein’s theory of relativity suggested, all of physical matter is ultimately made of pure energy, and there are no “hard particles” to be found in the quantum realm.

More and more, the scientific community is being forced to accept that atoms and molecules are akin to candle flames, where the energy that they release (such as the heat and light of the flame) must be balanced by energy that they absorb (such as the wax of the candle and the oxygen in the air.)

This “candle analogy” is a hallmark of Dr. Hal Puthoff’s model, which he uses to explain why the hypothetical electron does not radiate away all of its energy and crash into the nucleus. This seemingly “perpetual motion” within the atom is simply explained away as “the magic of quantum mechanics” in the mainstream view.

In order to truly be able to get a grasp on Kozyrev’s work and related findings, certain new analogies for physical matter are required. Rigorously, Kozyrev’s work forces us to visualize all physical objects of matter in the Universe as if they were sponges that are submerged in water.

In all of these analogies, we should consider the sponges as having remained in water for a long enough period of time that they are completely saturated. Bearing this in mind, there are two things we can do with such sponges underwater: we can decrease the volume of water that they contain or increase it, by very simple mechanical procedures.

  1. Decrease: If a submerged, saturated sponge is squeezed, cooled or rotated, then some of the water inside of it will be released into its surroundings, decreasing its mass. Once the sponge is no longer disturbed, the pressure on the millions of tiny pores is relieved, causing it to again absorb water and expand back to its normal resting mass.
  2. Increase: We can also pump more water pressure into the sponge in its rest state, such as by heating (vibrating) it, thus causing some of the pores to expand with more water than they can comfortably hold. In this case, once we relieve the added pressure, the sponge will naturally release its excess water and shrink back down to its normal resting mass.

Though it would seem impossible to most people, Kozyrev showed that by shaking, spinning, heating, cooling, vibrating or breaking physical objects, their weight can be increased or decreased by subtle but definite amounts. And this is but one aspect of his amazing work.


Since the Western world is largely uneducated about Kozyrev, some biographical and research information is in order. This will establish that he was far from a “crank” or “crackpot” scientist, but was in fact considered as one of the pre-eminent Russian thinkers of the 20th century.

Kozyrev’s first scientific paper was published at the tender age of seventeen, and other scientists were amazed by the depth and clarity of his logic. His main work was in astrophysics, where he studied the atmospheres of the Sun and other stars, the phenomenon of solar eclipses and radiation equilibrium.

By age twenty he had already graduated from the University of Leningrad with a degree in physics and mathematics, and by age twenty-eight Dr. Kozyrev was widely known as a distinguished astronomer who had taught at several colleges.

Kozyrev’s abundant life took a most unfortunate and difficult turn in 1936, when he was arrested under the repressive laws of Josef Stalin, and in 1937 he began eleven torturous years enduring all the known horrors of a concentration camp. Although he did not have access to scientific equipment during this time, he was given the most brutal of initiation experiences into hidden knowledge.

To an already enlightened mind, such bone-jarring hardship can effectively burn off all desire for gratification from the material world, removing the resistance to higher consciousness so that a state of illumination is produced where universal truth can be immediately recognized and assimilated.

From this state, he mused deeply upon the mysteries of the Universe, paying attention to all the patterns that existed in life, wherein so many different organisms show signs of asymmetry and / or spiraling growth.

He knew that in the mid-1800s, Louis Pasteur discovered that the building block of life known as “protoplasm” is inherently not symmetrical, and that colonies of microbes grow in a spiral structure.

These expanding proportions also underlie the structure of plants, insects, animals and people, as so many inheritors of the ancient tradition of the Atlantean Mysteries have written, when discussing “sacred geometry” such as the spiraling form known as Fibonacci, Golden Mean and / or “phi” spiral.

Figure 1.2 – The “Phi” Spiral in the nautilus shell (L) and with geometrically inscribed triangles ®.

From his illuminated observations in the prison camp, Kozyrev considered that all lifeforms might be drawing off of an unseen, spiraling source of energy, in addition to their normal properties of gaining energy through eating, drinking, breathing and photosynthesis. Later in this book we will see how comprehensive the data is on this point.

Kozyrev theorized that things such as the direction of a shell’s spiraling growth and which side of the human body will contain the heart are determined by the direction of this flow. Should there be an area somewhere in space-time where the energy flow was spiraling in the opposite direction, then he would expect shells to grow in the opposite direction and the heart to be in the opposite side of the body cavity.

This concept of a spiraling energy in biology may seem unrealistic, but it has long been known in the mystery schools. The next image shows us how all the ratios of “phi” emerge naturally in the structure of the human arm, and this is but one example of a process that repeats all throughout the bodies of human beings as well as all other plants, animals and insects.

Those few who acknowledge these relationships at all will typically state that they emerge simply because “phi” represents the natural, most efficient pattern in which growth can occur. Kozyrev suggested that life couldn’t form any other way, because it is actively drawing off of this spiraling energy to sustain itself, and must therefore follow its proportions every step of the way.

In this sense we can think of the skeletal system as an “antenna” for this energy.

Figure 1.3 – The “Phi” proportions in the human arm.

When Kozyrev was finally rehabilitated from the prison camp in 1948 and could return to his field of expertise, he made many advance predictions about the Moon, Venus and Mars, which were validated by Soviet space probes more than a decade later.

This then earned him the distinction of being a major pioneer in the Soviet space race. Then, in 1958, Dr. Kozyrev again aroused worldwide controversy by proclaiming that the Moon exhibited volcanic activity in the Alphonsus crater.

Should this notion have been true, which most astronomers and scientists flatly refused to believe, then it meant that the Moon possessed huge natural resources and sources of power that would make it an excellent stop-over point to propel humanity into the stars.

U.S. Nobel Prize winner Dr. Harold Urey was among the narrow group who believed that Dr. Kozyrev’s theory of volcanic activity on the moon was correct, and he urged NASA to conduct an investigation. As a direct result, NASA launched the enormous “Moon Blink” project, which later confirmed Dr. Kozyrev’s assertions by finding significant gas emissions on the moon.

However, not all of Kozyrev’s work was quite so readily assimilated into the mainstream world of NASA. In the winter of 1951-1952, just three years after escaping the brutal initiation of the prison camp, Dr. Kozyrev began his foray into the world of exotic physics, with the first of what became an exhaustive series of 33 years’ worth of very intriguing and controversial experiments.

His obvious desire in pursuing such research was to find validation for the spiritual truths that he had already experienced through the mystical process of preparation, illumination and initiation (as referred to in Rudolf Steiner’s classic Knowledge of Higher Worlds and Its Attainment) under the most extremely challenging of circumstances.

When he began publishing the results of these breakthrough studies, many Russian scientists and a scarce few in the West were prepared to listen, based on his past successes.

As we said, the spiraling energy patterns in nature unveiled themselves to the initiated eyes of Dr. Kozyrev while in the concentration camp. His “direct knowledge” informed him that this spiraling energy was in fact the true nature and manifestation of “time.” Obviously, he felt that “time” as we now know it is much more than just a simple function for counting duration.

Kozyrev urges us to try to think of a cause for time, something tangible and identifiable in the Universe that we can associate with time. After pondering this for a while, we see that time is ultimately nothing but pure spiraling movement.

We know that we are tracing a complex spiraling pattern through space thanks to the orbital patterns of the Earth and solar system. And now, the study of “temporology,” or the science of time, is under continual, active investigation by Moscow State University and the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, inspired by Dr. Kozyrev’s pioneering work. On their website, they state that:

In our understanding, the “nature” of time is the mechanism [that brings about] appearing changes and occurring newness in the World. To understand the “nature” of time is to point to… a process, a phenomenon, a “carrier” in the material world whose properties could be identified or corresponded with those of time.

This may seem strange at first glance, since a tree falling in your yard could be seen as a product of a strong wind, not the “flow of time.” However, you must then ask yourself what caused the wind to blow? Ultimately, the motion of the Earth on its axis is most responsible.

Hence, all changes are caused by some form of movement, and without movement there can be no time. Several of the scholars whose papers are published through the Russian Institute of Temporology agree that if Kozyrev had changed his terminology and use of the word “time” to more common scientific terms such as “the physical vacuum” or “the aether,” then many more people would have been able to understand his work sooner in the ensuing years.

It is not necessary at this point for the reader to fully grasp the philosophy of spiraling energy as a manifestation of time, as this will become far clearer as we proceed.

One of very few media breaks that Kozyrev ever received in the West regarding his concepts was a chapter in Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder’s groundbreaking 1970 book, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, which has gained worldwide acclaim and is still being reprinted to this day with the shortened title Psychic Discoveries.

Most of the above background biographical information on Kozyrev’s early career experience has come from this source. In Chapter 13, entitled “Time – A New Frontier of the Mind,” the authors explain that even in his sixties, Kozyrev was tanned and athletic looking and gave off “an impression of great calm, an almost spiritual quality.”

They also state that:

In reputation and in work achieved, he is the most important scientist we met. He is attempting to elucidate a new world view, a new cosmogony. Under Kozyrev’s new conception, psychic happenings would fall into place. They would no longer be, as they are in the current view of science, something outside the system, something that must be denied to protect the system.

The connection of psychic phenomena to physics is well known and frequently discussed in the Russian literature that is now becoming increasingly available, and Kozyrev’s work undoubtedly paved the way for it. One of the few Western researchers to notice Dr. Kozyrev’s work was Dr. Albert Wilson of the Douglas Research Laboratories in California, who said,

I feel that something very much like what Kozyrev has hypothesized will be established in physical theory within the next decade or two. Its implications will be revolutionary. It could take a generation of work before the leap he has taken can be incorporated into the body of scientific knowledge.

Dr. Wilson’s timing was about one decade too short, as now at the dawn of the 21st century we can finally put all the pieces together. In order to keep our terms consistent, we will use the common scientific terms “torsion fields” and / or “torsion waves” to describe the spiraling flow of “time energy” that Kozyrev discovered.

[The word “torsion” essentially means “spinning” or “twisting.”]

Many Western scientists who have explored these topics, most notably Lt. Col. Tom Bearden, call them “scalar waves”, but we feel that “torsion waves” is ultimately an easier term to use, since it continually reminds us of their spiraling nature. The reader should be aware that in all cases, what we are dealing with is simply an impulse of momentum that travels through the medium of the aether / ZPE / physical vacuum, and does not possess electromagnetic qualities.

Before Kozyrev ever began conducting his experiments, a good, solid theoretical foundation was already in place to begin explaining his results. We will begin with a preliminary discussion of Einstein’s theory of relativity, followed by Dr. Eli Cartan’s additions to the model, which first established the existence of torsion fields in theory.


On May 29, 1919, Albert Einstein supposedly proved “…that we live in a curved four-dimensional space-time” where space and time are somehow fused together into a “fabric.” He believed that an object such as the Earth spinning in space “…would drag space and time along with it…”, and that this space-time fabric curves inward around a planetary body. Thus, he said,

Gravity is no longer a mysterious force acting at a distance, but [rather is] the result of an object trying to travel in a straight line through space [that is] curved by the presence of material bodies.

Space that is curved? “Wait…isn’t space supposed to be empty?” you ask. How can you curve something that is empty? As we can see, the significant problem in visualizing Einstein’s gravity model is with the word “curve”, as this is something that a flat, elastic sheet would do.

Indeed, most attempts to visualize Einstein’s results picture planets as if they were weights that were depressing an imaginary flat rubber sheet that is stretched out in space as the “fabric” of space-time. An object such as a comet or asteroid simply follows the geometry of the sheet as it moves towards the Earth.

The problem with this model is that any curvature of space-time would need to be moving in towards a spherical object from all directions, not just a flat plane. And furthermore, one still requires a force of gravity to pull a weight down into a flat rubber sheet. In a weightless space, the ball and the sheet would simply float around together.

In reality, the word “flowing” is far more precise than “curving,” since in Convergence III we have demonstrated that gravity is actually a form of aetheric energy that is constantly flowing into an object.

The equations for gravity do not specify which direction it must flow in, simply that it exists as a force that is responsible for objects not flying away from the Earth’s surface. Such ideas can be traced to John Keely, Dr. Walter Russell and more recently Walter Wright with his well-established “Push Gravity” theory.

Once we establish that all force fields such as gravity and electromagnetism are simply different forms of aether/ZPE in motion, then we have an active source for gravity and a straightforward reason for why it would exist. We see that every molecule in the entire body of a planet must be sustained by an ongoing in-flow of aetheric energy.

The same energy that is creating the Earth is also creating and flowing into us. We are then caught up in the gigantic current of the river of energy that streams into the Earth, much as mosquitoes get stuck to a screen window while the air blows right through the screen.

Our bodies cannot travel through solid matter, but the current of aetheric energy certainly can – and this is one of the many things that Keely, Tesla, Kozyrev and others demonstrated. A star or planet must continually draw energy from its environment in order to “stay alive.” Kozyrev had made very similar conclusions about our Sun back in the 1950s, concluding that stars acted as “machines that convert the flow of time into heat and light.”

Almost all Western scientists believe that Einstein’s general and special relativity theories eliminate the need for an aether – and indeed, Einstein advocated the rejection of an aether in 1910, which is where mainstream science still believes his thoughts ended on the issue. However, in 1920, Einstein actually stated that “the hypothesis of the existence of the ether does not contradict the special theory of relativity.” And in 1924, he wrote,

…in theoretical physics, we cannot get along without the ether, i.e., a continuum assigned physical properties, because the general theory of relativity… excludes direct long-range action; and each theory of short-range action assumes the presence of continuous fields and, consequently, the existence of the ‘ether.’ [emphasis added]


In 1913, Dr. Eli Cartan was the first to clearly demonstrate that the “fabric” (flow) of space and time in Einstein’s general theory of relativity not only “curved”, but it also possessed a spinning or spiraling movement within itself known as “torsion.”

This area of physics is typically referred to as Einstein-Cartan Theory, or ECT. Cartan’s theory wasn’t taken too seriously at the time, as it came out before the days of quantum physics, when elementary “particles” such as electrons were believed to rotate or “spin” as they orbited the nucleus.

Most people are unaware that it is now generally accepted that the space surrounding the Earth and perhaps the entire Galaxy has “right-handed spin,” meaning that energy will be influenced to spin clockwise as it travels through the physical vacuum. In 1996, Russian Drs. Akimov and Shipov wrote that:

To date, world periodicals reference to torsion fields amount to the order of 10,000 articles, belonging to about a hundred authors. Over one half of those theorists work in Russia alone.

As we shall easily see, Dr. Kozyrev’s work was the main influence for the more than 5,000 Russian papers on this subject as of 1996. In classical physics models, torsion fields were never considered to be a universal force on the level of gravity or electromagnetic energy, largely because they only existed theoretically.

Cartan’s original 1913 theory speculated that torsion fields would be some 30 orders of magnitude weaker than gravitation, and gravity is already known to be 40 orders of magnitude weaker than electromagnetic energy! With such a miniscule level of influence, so said the theories, the naturally-spinning “torsion fields” were basically an irrelevant footnote that would not make any noticeable contributions to the phenomena that we can observe in the universe.

For those scientists who had maintained an open mind, the works of Trautman, Kopczyynski, F. Hehl, T. Kibble, D. Sciama and others in the early 1970’s triggered a wave of interest in torsion fields. Hard scientific facts exploded Cartan’s 60-year-old theory-based myth that such fields were weak, tiny and unable to move through space.

The myth of the Einstein-Cartan theory was that the spiraling torsion fields could not move, (i.e. they would remain static,) and could only exist within a space far smaller than the atom.

Sciama et al. demonstrated that these basic torsion fields expected in ECT did exist, and they were referred to as “static torsion fields.” The difference was that “dynamic torsion fields” were demonstrated as well, with properties far more remarkable than Einstein and Cartan had assumed.

According to Sciama et al., static torsion fields are created from spinning sources that do not radiate any energy. However, once you have a spinning source that releases energy in any form, such as the Sun or the center of the Galaxy, and / or a spinning source that has more than one form of movement occurring at the same time, such as a planet that is rotating on its axis and revolving around the Sun at the same time, then dynamic torsion is automatically produced.

This phenomenon allows torsion waves to propagate through spaceinstead of simply staying in a single “static” spot. Thus, torsion fields, like gravity or electromagnetism, are capable of moving from one place to another in the Universe.

Furthermore, as we shall discover in later chapters, Kozyrev proved decades ago that these fields travel at “superluminal” speeds, meaning that they far exceed the speed of light.

If you can have an impulse that moves directly through the “fabric of space-time”, travels at super-luminal velocities and is separate from gravity or electromagnetism, you have a significant breakthrough in physics – one that demands that a “physical vacuum”, “zero-point energy” or “aether” must really exist.


Kozyrev’s experiments began in the 1950s and were conducted since the 1970s with the ongoing assistance of Dr. V.V. Nasonov, who helped to standardize the laboratory methods and the statistical analysis of the results.

It is important to remember that these experiments were conducted under the strictest conditions, repeated in hundreds or in many cases thousands of trials, and were written about in extensive mathematical detail. They have been rigorously peer-reviewed, and Lavrentyev and others have replicated the results independently.

(We have omitted the mathematical / analytical analyses of Kozyrev’s results in this book to enhance its readability.) Certain specially-made detectors using rotation and vibration were designed that would react in the presence of torsion fields, which Kozyrev called the “flow of time.”

If we go back to our earlier analogy, we said that matter behaved somewhat like a sponge in water. If we do something to disturb the structure of the sponge, such as to squeeze it, spin it or vibrate it, then it will release some of its water back into its environment. Over the years, all of the following processes were discovered to create a “time flow” of torsion waves in the laboratory, due to their disruption of matter in some form:

  • the deforming of a physical object
  • the encounter of an air jet with an obstacle
  • the operation of an hourglass filled with sand
  • the absorption of light
  • friction
  • burning
  • the actions of an observer, such as a movement of the head
  • the heating or cooling of an object
  • phase transitions in substances (frozen to liquid, liquid to vapor, etc.)
  • dissolving and mixing substances
  • the fading death of plants
  • non-light radiation from astronomical objects
  • sudden changes in human consciousness

Other than the perplexing final item related to consciousness, we can readily see how each process is disturbing matter in some way, thus causing it to absorb or release minute amounts of its aetheric “water,” which fits perfectly with our sponge analogy.

Even more importantly, the fact that strong emotional energy could also cause a measurable at-a-distance reaction has been repeatedly documented, not just by Dr. Kozyrev but many others, and this is where our concepts of psychic phenomena and consciousness come into the picture.

Such concepts became even bigger news after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States, when Dean Radin and his team at the Institute of Noetic Sciences were able to measure a tremendous change in the behavior of computerized random-number generators surrounding the time immediately before and after the attack:

Figure 1.4 – Data from Radin / INS measuring a change in mass consciousness

on Sept. 11, 2001

The graph shows that somehow, a change in the mass consciousness of humanity affected the behavior of electromagnetic energy in computer circuits around the world, especially those computers nearest to North America. Later we shall see that this is just the beginning of a whole new world of “consciousness science.” We will suggest that torsion waves and consciousness are essentially identical manifestations of intelligent energy.

Returning to the more ‘comfortable’ arena of physical matter, Kozyrev’s work showed that torsion fields can be absorbed, shielded or sometimes reflected. For example, sugar can absorb, polyethylene film and aluminum can shield, and other forms of aluminum or mirrors can reflect.

Kozyrev found that in the presence of this energy flow, objects that are rigid and inelastic will show weight changes, whereas flexible, elastic objects will show changes in their elasticity and / or viscosity.

Kozyrev also showed that the weight of a spinning top will change if it is vibrated, heated or cooled or if it has an electric current passed through it. As we can see, all of the above behaviors fit in quite nicely with our analogy of the “sponge” of matter absorbing or releasing small amounts of energetic “water”.


Obviously, the biggest unanswered challenge at this point would be how such energy could be mechanically detected. After all, it has completely eluded the mainstream for well over a century. Here, it is important to remember that though the forces of torsion waves on matter are relatively small, they do exert a steady push.

Research of Shipov, Terletskiy and other Russian theorists have directly associated the energy of torsion fields with the energy of gravity, thus leading to the term “gravispin energy” and the science of “gravispinorics.”

In these new theories, gravity and spin are coupled in the same basic manner as electrostatics and magnetism join to form the electromagnetic wave. Though torsion waves can travel in any direction, they are most typically absorbed into the downward flow of the gravitational field.

So, the strongest effects of the pressure of torsion waves would be a slight spiraling movement that is joined with gravity. Since it is a very subtle pressure, we do not typically notice any such movement in ourselves or in falling objects.

Many of Kozyrev’s mechanical detectors of torsion waves involved objects in motion, such as a rotating gyroscope or an asymmetrical swinging pendulum. A simple analogy helps us to begin to understand how such objects in motion were able to capture this gentle pressure.

If you have a ship at sea and do not align your sails with the direction of the wind’s flow, then your ship will not move. Your sails must align with the direction of the wind, and if the wind’s current changes, then you must also move the sail to capture the new direction.

Detecting torsion waves is a more difficult process than sailing, as the torsion waves are continually changing their direction in the form of a three-dimensional spiral. Somehow, you must create vibrations in the detecting object that will allow it to continually harness a three-dimensional, moving spiral of energy force.

Kozyrev was able to capture the subtle pressure of the torsion waves by combining two different forms of vibration or movement at a time. We will discuss exactly how this was done in the following paragraphs. Under these special laboratory conditions, gyroscopes or pendulums could be used to interact with the “time flow” energy, as Kozyrev called it.

In these cases, such detectors will exhibit weight variations or sudden angular movements in response to the energy.

One of the most basic detectors of “time flow” energy that Kozyrev used was the “torsion balance,” meaning that it was a balance beam that could spin freely as it was suspended from a thread.

As described in Kozyrev’s first paper for the year 1971, the torsion balance did not have an equal distribution of weight on either side, as one end of the beam weighed ten grams and the other end was only one gram.

Kozyrev suspended this beam with a string (filament) of capron that was 30 micrometers in diameter and 5-10 centimeters long. The string was attached much closer to the heavier end of the beam than the lighter end, so that the beam would remain in a perfect horizontal position under the effects of gravity. This positioning also created greater stress within the beam itself, making it move very easily.

The lighter end of the beam was fashioned into a pointer, so that Kozyrev could measure on a protractor how many degrees the beam had moved at any time.

In order to avoid being influenced by the atmosphere, the entire system was sealed under a glass cap so that all of the air inside could be vacuumed out. Furthermore, Kozyrev surrounded the cap with a metal net (similar to a Faraday cage) so that all known electromagnetic influences would be shielded.

Most importantly, the top of the filament, where the beam balance was hanging from, was mechanically vibrated by an electromagnetic device.

The experiments were not considered valid unless the beam would remain perfectly still even in the presence of the extra vibrations at the top of the string. However, these extra vibrations jiggling the top of the string created a greater sensitivity to outside vibration that would reverberate throughout the entire object.

We already have an uneven set of weights that are carefully suspended on a thin string so that they remain horizontal, giving us a system that is under a lot of stress and will move very easily with the slightest touch. This is similar to the power of the lever to allow a person to lift up their entire car with the simple cranking up of the jack.

Then, when you also add the stress of the vibrations moving up and down the string and into the balance itself, you have all the necessary ingredients to make the detector so extremely sensitive that the whisper-soft pressure of torsion waves can show a measurable effect. This is one of several clever ways to capture and detect these forces. (As another example, a gyroscope may be set in motion and then hung from a string that is vibrated.)

In some senses this extra sensitivity works in the same way as an air hockey table, where you have a flat, rectangular surface with many tiny holes that shoot air straight upwards.

The game is played with a light, flat puck that is knocked back and forth by two players. If the air is running on the table, (similar to the asymmetry of the balance and the extra vibrations on the filament in Kozyrev’s experiments,) then in this case, the gravity on the puck is counteracted by an upwards force, creating a more delicate balance between the two.

The puck may remain perfectly still when left alone, but if you introduce new energy into the system by hitting the puck while the air is on, it moves extremely fast and with very little effort. When the air is off, the puck moves much more slowly and requires a greater force to set it in motion.

The same is true with Kozyrev’s detectors. If the extra vibrational energy isn’t included, then you’d be lucky to ever see a reaction, because the “push” of the torsion waves are not normally strong enough to move a stationary object. Many scientists who have tried to replicate Kozyrev’s experiments have often not succeeded, because they do not see the extra vibrations as being important.

Naturally, you will not detect torsion waves with a pendulum if it is not asymmetrical and / or if you do not introduce vibrations into it at the top of the string. Another way to visualize this effect is our analogy from the prologue, regarding the difference between a drop of water that is placed onto cold metal as opposed to that which is placed on a hot skillet.

The vibrations of the metal in the skillet will cause the water to zip around the pan, becoming very sensitive to the slightest change in pressure from any direction.

For our spiritually-inclined readers, it is interesting to note that the teachings of the Initiates have referred to the need to “raise your vibrations” for thousands of years if you want to be capable of perceiving the unseen energy of the universe.

As we have proven in some of our workshops, within a relatively short span of time, a human being can be trained to respond to the gentle pressure of torsion waves in the human “aura” by touch. With greater training such as is described in the works of Rudolph Steiner or Carlos Castenada, the human energy field can eventually be visually seen.

In later works we will discuss the voluminous evidence to prove that the human energy field does indeed exist, as the torsion-wave component to our physical bodies.


Some of Kozyrev’s experiments seemed almost deceptively simple, considering the effects that he was able to achieve. For example, the simple raising and lowering of a 10-kg weight would exert torsional pressure on a pendulum at a distance of 2-3 meters, an effect which would even travel through walls.

The pendulum that was used as a detector was shielded in glass under a vacuum, so this effect could not have been caused by the air. Again, the key component to the experiment was that the top of the string needed to be vibrated in order to introduce the extra tension and movement that would allow the pressure of the torsion waves to be picked up by the pendulum.

This is another experiment that shows how the sheer mass of the 10-kilogram weight behaves like a sponge in water, creating “ripples” in the surrounding “water” when it is moved up and down. Again, this is a basic property of matter.


In another similar experiment, Kozyrev had a typical beam balance that is used for weight measurements, where the right side had a fixed weight and the left side had a hook for suspending various objects.

In this case, the objects Kozyrev hung from the left side were also just simple weights, only they were attached to rubber strips that allowed them to be easily mounted on the balance. Normally, with the weights on either side in a stable position, the beam would stay balanced at a certain weight that could be measured on its scale.

Kozyrev would then stabilize the arm of the beam balance either with his hand or a clamp so it wouldn’t move, and remove the object on the left from its hook. Then, he would shake the object up and down on the piece of rubber for about one minute. That’s all!

After doing this, when he would place the object back on the balance arm with perfect stillness, he would again measure its weight, which would be slightly higher than before. Then, the scales would show the measured weight of the object gradually decreasing, as it released the extra energy that it had taken in.

He noted that it was important that his hand didn’t heat the balance arm while holding it, so he would typically use a metal clamp to hold the bar instead.

Interestingly, on certain days this test would work quite easily, whereas on other days it would work only with great difficulty or not at all. The same is true for the above experiment where a 10-kg weight was raised and lowered repeatedly. This is known as a “time-variable” phenomenon and will be discussed below.


Many readers have expected that Kozyrev’s effects are simply due to errors in his recording. Here, it is important to remember that no concrete disproof of N.A. Kozyrev and V.V. Nasonov’s experimental results exists (Levich, 1996).

In addition, independent groups of researchers have now reproduced and confirmed some of Kozyrev’s experiments. These include A.I. Veinik from the 1960s-1980s, Lavrentyev, Yeganova et al. in 1990, Lavrentyev, Gusev et al. in 1990, and Lavrentyev et al. in 1991 and 1992. American researcher Don Savage has also replicated much of Kozyrev’s work and published it in Speculations in Science and Tech.

Furthermore, without any knowledge of Kozyrev’s work, in 1989 G. Hayasaka and S. Tekeyuchi discovered similar weight-loss effects with rotating 150-gram gyroscopes, and more recently obtained success by dropping the gyroscopes between two precision laser beam detectors.

(Remember that a gyroscope that is being weighed in a rotating and non-rotating state will not show any measurable weight changes unless an additional process is introduced such as vibration, movement, (in this case dropping,) heat conduction or electric current transition.)

The results of Hayasaka et al.’s study, conducted on behalf of the Mitsubishi corporation, actually did make it into the mainstream media, surprisingly enough. Furthermore, they did indeed attribute their results to the effects of torsion fields.

Many other researchers such as Dr. S.M. Polyakov, Dr. Bruce DePalma and Sandy Kidd have independently discovered gravitational changes with gyroscopes, but it appears that most of them have not fully understood the fluidlike nature of the aether, which always travels in the spiraling movement of torsion waves.


Many of Kozyrev’s experiments showed that the direction of the detector’s movement was very important in creating measurable weight changes. He determined that a gyroscope that was vibrating, heating or conducting electricity would substantially decrease its weight when it was rotated in a counter-clockwise motion, whereas it would remain unchanged if it were rotated in a clockwise motion.

Kozyrev concluded that this was caused by the “Coriolis effect,” where an object will indeed show a rotational movement as it is dropped towards the surface of the Earth. Ultimately, this is due to the subtle spiraling pressure of torsion that is imparted to the flow of aether (gravity) as it rushes into the earth, upholding the existence of all its atoms and molecules.

In 1680 Newton and Hook confirmed that the Coriolis effect was real by dropping objects down long mine shafts, and the experiment was repeated many times thereafter.

The Coriolis effect causes counter-clockwise movement in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise movement in the Southern Hemisphere, and is considered the major force behind the movement of weather systems. It also has to be factored in when firing long-range cannons at a specific target, which was a very confusing military problem before the Coriolis effect was discovered. It is another little-known fact of science that most people are unaware of.

We remember that Kozyrev would first vibrate, heat or electrify his gyroscope in order to see his anomalous effects. Under these conditions, he would then move the gyroscope in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion. If the vibrating gyroscope is moved in a counter-clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere, then it is moving in unison with the counter-clockwise current of the Coriolis effect.

This causes the object to absorb some of the energy that would normally be pushing it down, and a small but definite decrease in its weight is then measured.

The work of G. Hayasaka and S. Tekeyuchi, which we mentioned above, independently confirmed the same anomalous result. When their gyroscope was rotated counter-clockwise it would fall slower than expected, whereas if it were rotating clockwise they could detect no changes, thus verifying Kozyrev’s findings. Naturally, Japan is also in the Northern Hemisphere.

Kozyrev also found that additional torsion would be introduced in these experiments if his gyroscope was not kept 100% horizontal, which suggested to him that gravity, which moves straight down, is somehow joined with torsion waves, as later theorists confirmed. Without the existence of an aether and the phenomenon of dynamic torsion, none of these results would even be remotely possible.


Figure 1.5 – Data of Dr. Bruce DePalma’s Spinning Ball Experiment
from Hoagland’s 1992 UN Briefing

A perfect example of harnessing torsion waves by rotation was discovered completely independently by Dr. Bruce DePalma, frequently cited by R.C. Hoagland et al. on the Enterprise Mission website. Within a complete vacuum, DePalma took two steel balls and catapulted them into the air at equal angles, with an equal amount of force.

The only difference was that one ball was rotating 27,000 times per minute and the other was stationary. The rotating ball traveled higher into the air and then descended faster than its counterpart, which violated all known laws of physics.

The only explanation for this effect is that both balls are drawing energy into themselves from an unseen source, and the rotating ball is thus “soaking up” more of this energy than its counterpart – energy that would normally exist as gravity, moving down into the earth.

With the addition of torsion-field research we can see that the spinning ball was able to harness naturally spiraling torsion waves in its environment, which gave it an additional supply of energy.


Kozyrev found that a time-variable effect is produced within his experiments. He discovered that these experiments worked best in late autumn and the first half of winter, but were next to impossible to perform in the summer. Kozyrev believed that the heating of the atmosphere in the summer was creating a disturbance that would interrupt the flow of the torsion waves.

The extra heat would cause the air molecules to jiggle more vigorously, and this in turn would disrupt the subtle spiraling pressures as the torsion-waves traveled. As he himself explained it, “the heating by solar rays creates an atmospheric loader, interfering with the [experimental] effects.”

Earlier in his career he thought that this time-variable effect was caused by the naturally-occurring growth of vegetation in warmer months, since he had already noticed that the simple presence of growing plants could interfere with his experimental results, as they would draw energy into themselves that would normally flow to the detectors.

Clearly, the combination of the plants absorbing the energy for their sustenance in the summer and the increased chaos of vibrations in the warmer atmosphere could both be responsible for the difficulty in making such measurements during the warmer seasons.

This seasonal experimental effect could also prevent American scientists who might be living in an area like Southern California from ever being able to replicate his results, as they never experience the late autumn and winter conditions that were most favorable for the experiments to be done.


Another overall implication of Kozyrev’s work is that the geographical location of the experiment also makes a significant difference. His best results were obtained when he carried out measurements near the North Pole, the most adventurous being conducted on chunks of drifting ice with a maximum latitude of 84° 15’, the North Pole being at 90°.

This is a very important point, as it shows us that the greatest amount of torsion-wave energy is flowing into the Earth at the polar regions, growing weaker as we move towards the equator.

Certainly, most readers will wonder why there would be any effects associated with the poles of the earth. The answer is found in a study of magnetism.

In 1991-92, A.I. Veinik determined that the typical “permanent” iron ferrite magnets do not only have a collective magnetic field, but a collective torsion field as well, with a right-handed spin at the north pole and a left-handed spin at the south.

Dr. G. I. Shipov demonstrated that all electromagnetic fields generate torsion waves. So, since we all know that the Earth’s magnetic field is most concentrated at the poles, then we can see that the greatest strength of torsion-waves would be in the polar regions as well.

In his books and website, Richard Pasichnyk has demonstrated that earthquake impulses travel faster from north to south than from east to west. Thus, the added pressure of the torsion waves, instreaming and outflowing in the polar regions, affects far more than just the typical north-south polarity of the magnetic field that can be measured with a compass.

Kozyrev also determined that the torsional energy flows differently in the southern hemisphere of the earth as opposed to the northern, and this again is due to the Coriolis effect. He also discovered that the speed of gravitational acceleration changes slightly between the northern and southern hemisphere by a subtle factor of 3.10^-5.

This appears to be caused by the little-known fact that the spherical shape of the Earth is actually flatter in the northern hemisphere as opposed to the southern!

This has also been observed and measured in other planets such as Jupiter and Saturn. Kozyrev believed that since the surface of the southern hemisphere was slightly farther away from the Earth’s center of gravity than the northern hemisphere, this was responsible for the subtle change in the speed of gravity’s acceleration.


The word “latent” means “left over,” and Kozyrev observed certain effects that continued for a time after he had stopped creating any torsion waves and / or disturbance to the measured objects. We remember that Kozyrev demonstrated how the simple shaking of a weight on a rubber strip would cause its weight to increase, and that it would slowly drop back down to its normal rest mass once it was placed back on the balance beam.

The time that the object takes to return to its normal weight is how we measure the “latent force” that it is capable of holding.

Certain objects will gain and lose weight faster than others in Kozyrev’s experiments. Kozyrev concluded that the rate at which an object gains or loses weight is actually based on its density, or thickness, not on its overall weight. He showed that the loss of weight occurs at an exponential rate, and the denser the material is, the quicker the residual forces will disappear. Here are some examples:

  • Lead, at a density of 11, will lose its latent forces in 14 seconds,
  • Aluminum, at a density of 2.7, loses its latent forces in 28 seconds, and
  • Wood, at a density of 0.5, loses its latent forces in 70 seconds.

If this seems hard to understand, we could think of the fact that a denser, thicker sponge such as the foam used in a mattress or seat cushion has much more of a “spring” to it than a lighter, thinner one, such as a tired old kitchen sponge.

The more of a “spring” the material has, the quicker it can absorb and release energy. Kozyrev also tested these effects on copper, brass, quartz, glass, air, water, coal, graphite, table salt and others, and indicated that “the largest effects, with maximum preservation times, were observed on porous materials like brick or volcano tuff” (Nasonov 1985a, p.15).

This should interest us, since the sponge in our analogy is also a porous material, meaning that it is filled with many pores or holes inside of itself.


Another example of latent forces existing in a system is found in the Aspden effect, discovered by Dr. Harold Aspden of Cambridge University. This experiment involved a gyroscope whose central wheel was fashioned from a powerful magnet.

The normal amount of energy that would be required to rotate the gyroscope to a certain maximum speed was 1000 joules. Like a glass of water being stirred up with a spoon, the rotation of the gyroscope would cause the aetheric energy inside its central wheel to begin spiraling, and this churning movement would continue inside the object even once Dr. Aspden brought the gyroscope to a stop.

Surprisingly, for up to 60 seconds after Aspden’s gyroscope stopped rotating, it would take ten times less energy to return it to the same velocity as it had attained the first time – only 100 joules.

This is another reproducible effect that has simply been ignored by the mainstream, because it “violates the laws of physics.” However, with Kozyrev’s work as a background, we can hear the chuckles of Russian scientists as they read of Dr. Aspden’s troubles in getting anyone in the West to acknowledge this effect.

Now if you’ve been paying attention, you might notice that Kozyrev showed that lead (Pb) maintained its latent forces for 14 seconds and aluminum for 28, and yet Dr. Aspden’s gyroscopes would retain their forces for a full 60 seconds.

This is due to the fact that extra aetheric / torsional energy is harnessed by the powerful permanent magnet making up the center of the gyroscope – and in The Science of Oneness we demonstrated how this basic property of rotating magnets has been used to create many different “free energy” devices.


Although we have discussed gyroscopes, pendulums and torsion beam balances so far, Kozyrev also discovered non-mechanical detectors that could pick up the energy of the “time flow.”

What we mean by “non-mechanical” is that torsion waves could be detected without the moving parts normally required, which involved two different forms of mechanical vibration or motion, such as in the gyroscope, torsion balance and pendulum.

Some of these non-mechanical detectors can demonstrate quite substantial changes in the presence of torsion fields, and in the case of tungsten and quartz, the effects of torsion fields on the material can be irreversible. All of the following will show changes in the presence of torsion-wave energy:

  • the conductiveness of electronic resistors, especially those made from tungsten metal
  • the mercury level in thermometers
  • the vibrational frequencies of quartz crystal oscillators
  • the electric potentials of thermocouples
  • the viscosity of water
  • the amount of electronic work that can be performed in a photoelectric cell
  • the reaction rates of chemical compounds (such as the Belousov-Zhabotinsky effect)
  • the growth parameters of bacteria and plants

A highly-detailed summary of Kozyrev’s work, including the exact graphs, detailed statistics, analyses and descriptions of all the above detectors, can be found in “A Substantial Interpretation of N.A. Kozyrev’s Conception of Time,” by A.P. Levich, 1996.


Some of these non-mechanical torsion-wave detectors were reproduced by the team of A.V. Chernetsky, Y.A. Galkin and S.N. Kolokoltzev, who also created a device that generated and stored this aetheric energy much like a capacitor, which is an electronic component that stores an electric charge. They referred to their invention as a “self-generating discharge device.”

Like Kozyrev, Chernetsky et al. found that the level of resistance in an electronic circuit would change if a part of it was placed between the two capacitor plates of the device while it was in operation. Also, the vibrational frequency of a quartz oscillator could become 1000 or more times faster than it was before it was placed in between the plates.

This should raise an eyebrow, as the reliability of quartz crystals to maintain a steady pulsating rhythm while having electricity pass through them is used to keep accurate time in the vast majority of digital watches and clocks in existence.


Chernetsky et al. also discovered that their “self-generating discharge device” could create a “static” or non-moving torsion field within the very structure of space-time itself. A flowing “current” can be created in the fluidlike aether even if no matter existed in the area.

Chernetsky et al. could still measure the same torsion-field effects in the area that had been between the two plates of the machine, after the machine was turned off and far removed from the area! The latent effects would still be measurable with tungsten metal or quartz oscillators.

Another similar effect was discovered by Donald Roth, which he called “Magnetic Memory,” and documented by the Institute for New Energy. Roth discovered that he could bring a magnet close enough to a beam balance that it would attract the balance to itself, and after about five days the magnet could be moved much farther away from the balance and still attract it the same way.

The Russians refer to this concept as “vacuum structuring,” and it again shows us that there is “something there” in supposedly empty space – something that the inheritors of the Atlantean Mysteries knew as the “aether.”

Kozyrev also discovered that a physical substance can become “structured” in the same way. As he wrote on page 217 of his 1977 paper,

… A body placed for a certain time near a process [that generates torsion waves] and then brought to a torsion balance [would] produce the same effect on [the torsion balance] as [the original torsion-generating] process [produced by] itself. [The] memorizing [of] the action of processes is a feature of [all] different substances, except aluminum.

In 1984, Dankachov showed that the “memory” or “structuring” effect could occur with water as well, and this is one experiment that does find its way into Western alternative scientific thinking from time to time. The “memory of water” experiments begin by utilizing one of the basic torsion-wave creating processes to cause the measured viscosity or thickness of water to decrease.

Then, the treated water is placed next to another container of water, and the new water’s viscosity will then decrease just like the original treated water. Other experiments, such as those of Jacques Beneviste, show that this “memory of water” effect is able to carry over into chemical effects as well, where torsion-wave generators are used to excite water with a certain chemical compound in it.

Then, that compound can be energetically transferred to a sealed container of pure water, and the sealed water will acquire the same chemical characteristics as the original.


As we already suggested in the prologue, the Sun is our obvious choice for being the primary source of torsion waves in our heliosphere, due to it having 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.

In 1970, Saxel and Allen showed that during a solar eclipse, the presence of the moon shields the Sun’s radiant torsion fields, and this causes an increase in the period of oscillation for a torsion balance.

Meteorologists V.S. Kazachok, O.V. Khavroshkin and V.V. Tsyplakov were able to repeat this experiment during the 1976 solar eclipse and produce the same effect, which they then published in 1977. Others have obtained the same results through observing the simple deviations of a pendulum at the time of a solar eclipse.


As we already mentioned, the Einstein-Cartan theory first established a theoretical basis for the existence of torsion fields in 1913. The theory predicts that there will either be right-handed or left-handed torsion in space, depending on the location.

Subsequent discoveries in quantum physics related to the notion of “spin” confirmed that “electrons” will either have “right-handed” or “left-handed” spin, meaning that movement is detected that will either be clockwise or counterclockwise. All atoms and molecules maintain varying degrees of balance between right and left-handed spin.

Kozyrev determined that strongly right-handed molecules such as sugar can shield torsion effects, whereas strongly left-handed molecules such as turpentine will strengthen them. Subsequent Russian investigations also determined that common polyethylene film acted as an excellent shield for torsion waves, and were used in many different experiments such as those discussed by Dr. Alexander Frolov.


We discussed Kozyrev’s experiments where an object would be disturbed in various ways, and its changes in weight would then slowly return to balance over time. There is one important factor that emerged in these experiments that does not easily fit in with our convenient analogy of the sponge in water, and that is known as “effect quantization.”

(We shall explain what causes it later.)

When something is quantized, that means that it does not move or count smoothly, but only stepwise, in certain specific intervals. Simply put, the weight of an object would not increase or decrease steadily in the “latent force” experiments, but rather in sudden bursts. This is certainly a highly anomalous property for matter to have. As Kozyrev said,

In the vibration experiments on a balance the weight reduction… occurs stepwise, beginning with a certain vibration power. As vibration frequency is further increased, the weight reduction… at first remains the same and then again grows stepwise by the same value… So far a realistic explanation of this phenomenon has not been found…

Afterwards it turned out that effect quantization takes place in almost all the experiments. (Kozyrev 1971, p. 126)

As a case in point, Kozyrev studied these effects on a 620-gram weight, which he would subject to vibrations, measured in hertz or cycles per second. We remember that cooling an object contracts it, whereas heating an object expands it.

Both heating and cooling are functions of vibration, so depending on how we vibrate an object, we can either cause its weight to increase or decrease. In this experiment, the mass of the 620-gram weight would be slightly increased by subjecting it to high-speed vibrations.

In order to give the experiments nice, clean numbers, Kozyrev and Nasonov later applied a straightforward mathematical function to “renormalize” the results from the 620-gram weight to the higher and simpler value of 1 kilogram. The numbers given in the next paragraph are renormalized to the 1-kilogram level.

Figure 1.6 – Quantized increases in weight with growing vibrational frequency,
measured by beam balance.

So as we can see from this chart, as the vibrations of the object rose to the threshold area of 16-23 hertz, (or cycles per second,) the object would show a stable weight increase of 31 milligrams. At this level, Kozyrev could increase the vibrations between 16 and 23 cycles per second and detect no further weight gain.

Then suddenly, as he increased the vibrations on the weight to 24 hertz, its overall weight increase would spontaneously double to 62 milligrams. As he increased the vibrations from 24 to 27 hertz, no change in weight was registered.

Yet, when the vibrations increased to 28 hertz, the net weight increase would again suddenly jump up by another 31 hertz to 93 milligrams. Each time that a new threshold would be reached, the initial gain of 31 milligrams would be added to the overall amount. As Kozyrev discovered,

We succeeded in obtaining fivefold and even tenfold effects. (!)

Let us not forget that this “effect quantization” occurred in almost all of Kozyrev’s experiments, whether the overall weight of the object in question was either increasing or decreasing.

In order for something like this to be taking place, the basic 31-milligram interval that was measured with the 1-kilogram object must be a function of its combined volume, density, weight and topology (shape), similar to the tone that you hear when striking a bell of a given size, shape and density. As Kozyrev rose the frequency of vibrations in the object, new intervals of weight increase were produced, but always in units of 31 milligrams.

This “effect quantization” is actually a very important key to understanding the multidimensional nature of matter, illustrating that atoms and molecules maintain an onion-like structure of nested spherical waves. Our discussions in the next chapter will begin to show the context of this experiment and how it relates to new discoveries in quantum physics.


Kozyrev’s views are not quickly or easily assimilated by the mainstream scientific community, especially in the West, because the magnitudes of the effects he measured are quite small.

For example, the additional forces that were introduced in his mechanical experiments changed the weight of the objects being studied by a mere factor of 10-4 to 10-5, such as the gyroscope that would only become 100 milligrams lighter when rotating and vibrating at the same time.

In order to appreciate how small of a change this is, remember that a certain active ingredient that was added to a vitamin pill might have 100 milligrams of weight on the label.

As Kozyrev himself puts it,

“The experimental results show that the organizing property of time exerts a very small influence on systems [of matter such as stars,] compared with the usual, destructive course of their development. Therefore it is not surprising that this… entity has been missed in our system of scientific knowledge. However, being small, it is distributed everywhere in nature, and only the possibility of its being stored is needed” (Kozyrev 1982, p.71).


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