| Subtle Energy and Its Role in Health"Our physical structures do not first exist and then radiate energy; our energy determines our physical structures." -- Dr. RM Chin, M.D. [1] The subject of this presentation is Subtle Energy called 'Chi" or "Prana" in Traditional Oriental Medicine, and its relationship to the human body and human health. First I will speak about the nature and properties of subtle energy and the mechanism of its influence on substances of the physical world and on our (human) physical systems. The second part is about a technology that is able to generate subtle energy and provide us with new energy medicine tools: namely, a wide variety of subtle energy formulas, infused into substances like concentrated trace minerals and targeted for very specific physiological and psychological applications. Everybody knows we have gold in our bodies. Too little gold in the body makes us unable to assimilate the entire spectrum of minerals and vitamins; it causes neurological imbalance, arthritis, rheumatism and other problems. Why do we need gold? It is a chemically neutral metal. How can gold influence our biochemistry? When something is happening without the direct participation of matter, science says it is because of the presence of some kind "energy field". What kind of energy field are we dealing with in this case? The main known energy of our physical universe is the electromagnetic field (EM field). But there is no measurable EM field around the metal gold and other so called catalysts (Pt and Pd among them) that stimulate chemical reactions without directly participating in them. In search of that immeasurable agent that is the cause of the catalytic effect let us consider something which has been known to Eastern cultures for more than five thousand years: Energy Medicine. The most well known representative of Energy Medicine is acupuncture. Acupuncturists say that the essence of their method of treatment is in regulating the flow of the so-called "Chi" (Qi) energy, which regulates all life processes in the body. Speaking in the language of modern science this statement means 2 things:
The existence of this energy remains outside the paradigm of Western science in spite of five thousand years of experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners. The question arises: if energy that is so important for life really exists, how come modern science doesn't know about it? The answer is simple: it doesn't know because it doesn't want to know. Science has some excuse for denying the existence of Chi, as it is not possible to measure this type of energy with regular scientific equipment. Scientific equipment can only measure electromagnetic fields and waves. What if Chi is not electromagnetic in nature? Let us remember that the neutron, one of just three stable particles that make our entire physical world, also cannot be directly detected (because it doesn't have an electrical charge) or observed (because it is too small). Nevertheless, science is sure about the existence of the neutron from observing the properties of atoms and nuclear reactions: in other words, science is satisfied with this indirect evidence of the neutron's existence. Is there analogous "indirect" but scientific evidence of the existence of Chi and its effect? For the last 50 years a lot of serious frontier scientists in many countries, including Russia, China, US, Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and others, have conducted and published hundreds of rigorous experiments that have unequivocally proven the existence and powerful influence of Chi on inanimate matter, on molecular and even on nuclear levels, in chemical reactions and on living organisms, including cells, bacteria, plants, animals and humans. Articles and books have been published, often against severe resistance from the ordinary scientific community. Just listing these experiments would take me more time than I have for this lecture. So, let us look at the main results of that research, results that can help us to guess what this Chi energy is about. Prof. Joie Jones and his colleagues from the University of California in Irvine, used functional MRI to register the signal which comes to the visual cortex of the brain when acupuncture point BL67 (used for eye treatments) was affected by needle or by ultrasound impulses [2]. They found that the image in the visual cortex, registered by fMRI, was similar to the image produced by flashing light into the eyes. If the needle or ultrasound signal were moved several millimeters out of the acupoint position, the signal in the visual cortex disappeared. What is most astonishing is that the signal produced by stimulating the acupoint, located on the small toe, reached the visual cortex more than 1000 times faster than the bioelectric signal produced by flashing light in the eyes! It gives us a hint about the non-electromagnetic nature of Chi, doesn't it? In spite of the rigorous scientific research present in this article, scientific journals resisted publishing it for two years. It was finally published after five Nobel Prize winners insisted on its publication.
Later, using ultrasound, Prof. Jones and his group showed that acupuncture points change their size, and slightly change their positions [3] as is described in Traditional Chinese Medical literature. This research shows, along with the unusual properties of Chi, the reality of the human subtle energy network (acupuncture meridians). Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama in Japan developed an instrument called the AMI for monitoring the status, not only of all 12 acupuncture meridians, but also energy centers in the body, called chakras by the Indians [4]. He has an organization called the "Human Science Institute" in Encinitas, CA. In Russia, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov made the GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) device based on different principles, known as Kirilian Photography [6], for direct analysis of the human energy field. The GDV makes it possible to analyze conditions of the energy centers (chakras) as well as the energetic status of the organs and systems of the body. There is another set of experiments we need to mention: this is the change in the absorption spectrum of various substances, including water, observed by scientists in the US, China, Russia, and other countries. A prominent Chinese physicist, Prof. Lu, published his observations on changes in the vibrational-rotational spectra of liquids, the so-called Raman Spectra, under the influence of Chi emitted by Qigong master Dr. Yan Xin [7] (Fig.2).
We observed changes in the absorption spectrum of water in different ranges of wavelength under the influence of subtle energy (Fig. 3a,b) generated by Vital Force™ Technology that we will discuss later. Why is this change in the absorption spectrum of substances under the influence of Chi so essential? Because this indicates that subtle energy, Chi, is able to change the structure of physical matter. Molecular rotational and/or vibrational frequencies and amplitudes (for instance, water - a triangle shaped molecule) can be changed only if the position of atoms in the molecule is changed. What is especially important: our experiment has shown that different subtle energy patterns produce different changes in the absorption spectrum of water (compare changes from Fig. 3a to Fig 3b). In other words, changes in the structure of the water molecule depend on the information imbedded in the subtle energy. (For detailed charts go to our "Research" section). Fig. 3 a Fig. 3 b So, what we have learned from all this?
Now, how do we get a hint about the nature of this mysterious subtle energy, Chi? For that purpose let us have a look at another experiment published by the Chinese nuclear physicist Professor Lu in his book "Scientific Qigong Exploration": Emission of Chi by Qigong Master Dr. Yan Xin changed radioactive decay rate of Periodic Table element #95 Americium (Isotope Am with atomic weight 241) (Fig.4) [10].
Modern science doesn't have the energetic means to change the decay rate of radioactive elements. You can heat or cool them, put in extra-strong electrical or magnetic fields, expose them to electromagnetic waves, and the decay rate will be the same. But Chi emissions change it! To change the decay rate, you need to change the structure of the atomic nucleus, consisting of protons and neutrons. Chi doesn't interact with protons: otherwise it could be detected in the same way as EM energy. And what are protons and neutrons made of? According to our science, each proton and neutron is made up of three quarks (subatomic particles) of two different types. The existence of quarks was confirmed in 1990, only 13 years ago. If we name one of these quarks #1, and the other #2, then a proton consists, let us say, of two of #1 and one of #2, and a neutron consists of one of #1 and two of #2. The only logical way to explain the fact that Chi influences the decay rate of a radioactive nucleus is to assume that this type of energy interacts with quarks or the even more elementary subatomic particles, which compose the quarks. If so, we can draw the following conclusion: subtle energy, called Chi by TCM, is the energy type belonging to the world of subatomic particles or the subatomic world. And it is logical: just as our matter has an electromagnetic energy field that defines all physical and chemical interactions of substances, the subatomic world should have a specific energy field that defines the laws of interactions in that world. Now, several words about the subatomic world: how many of these subatomic particles exist in our Universe besides those that are already bonded in protons and neutrons? Go on the Internet and search for the words "Dark Matter". You will find an overwhelming number of articles about the phenomenon called "Dark Matter" by our science. You will find these kinds of statements [11]:
Some scientists suggest that this "Dark Matter" consists of known and unknown subatomic particles and "beyond-atomic", meaning those not participating directly in the creation of our physical matter [12]. If Chi interacts with at least some of these particles, it could be an "energetic range" from that "enigmatic dark energy", like light is a range inside the spectrum of electromagnetic energy! One more question for science: does it know where these subatomic particles come from and how they are made? The only hint science has on this topic is a theoretical one: it is the so called "Superstring Theory" which suggests that everything in the universe is made of infinitesimally small string-like "primal particles" existing in at least a 10-dimensional space. This theory is still far from answering the question of how all the known and unknown subatomic particles are made from these strings. Thus after a hundred years of research and many billions of dollars spent, the only thing we know for sure is that our scientific equipment is capable of measuring processes happening in only 5% of the universe. But the good news is that science now recognizes the idea that the universe can be more than 3-dimensional. From this position, it is very arrogant for modern science to refuse to recognize the wealth of knowledge about the structure and energies of the universe that has been collected by ancient and more modern but "unofficial" sciences. Ancient scientists knew very well about the subtle structure of the universe and its subtle energies and about the crucial role of these energies in human life. The giant of ancient Chinese philosophy and science, Lao Tzu, said in his book "Hua Hu Ching" written 500 years before Christ:
Now let us briefly outline the results of more recent extra-sensory research on the process of creation of physical atoms from subatomic particles. This research was conducted over the course of 38 years from 1895 until 1933 by two extraordinary personalities Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater, who were trained by Indian Yogi teachers to "see", using extra-sensory perception, the microstructure of matter. Beginning in 1895 they published in the journal "The Theosophist" their observations on the nuclear structure of all the Periodic Table Elements [15]. They described the existence of isotopes of the elements five years before they were discovered by official science. And think about this: they described many elements with correct atomic weights that were not known to science and were only discovered years later! Elements Discovered By Besant and Leadbeater Years
What is astonishing is that in 1895 Besant and Leadbeater described three particles making up the nucleus of Hydrogen, which is a proton. These subatomic particles, named quarks, as we discussed, were discovered by our science in 1990: and the proton is made from three of them. More than that, Besant and Leadbeater also described the smaller particles, which make up the quarks. The authenticity of their representation of the nuclei of periodic table elements was mathematically examined and confirmed by an open-minded physicist from England, Dr. Stephen M. Phillips, a graduate of Cambridge University. Dr. Phillips developed a whole theory of subatomic particles based on Besant's and Leadbeater's research [16]. He published two books, the latest of which is the "ESP of Quarks and Superstrings". As you can guess, this work is almost completely ignored by our scientific community. Now let us consider a concept regarding the construction of the universe and the role played by subtle energy according to the research of Besant and Leadbeater. This will help us to understand why subtle energy is present in all substances of the physical world, including those which make up the human body. We will look at the role it plays and how it can be harnessed using the knowledge and technology of modern physics combined with the ancient knowledge of the properties of subtle energy. This is a diagram of what Besant and Leadbeater called the "Anu" (Fig.5), which they described as the basic "particle" of the physical world. The "Anu" is actually kind of a sophisticated vortex of string-like streams of energy-matter from the world much subtler than physical. The "Anu", or the "ultimate physical atom" as Besant and Leadbeater called it, exists in two forms, positive and negative, or clockwise and counterclockwise vortexes. "Anus" combine with each other in different combinations like ++-, --+, etc., and these combinations create more sophisticated structures, which science now calls "subatomic particles". This process ends with the formation of basic atomic particles, which make up the atoms of the Periodic Table of Elements (Fig.7). These, in turn, make up all substances of the physical world including those that make up our bodies. What is interesting is that all subatomic particles and substances of the preceding world, which make the "ultimate physical atom," are subjected to gravitational force, and the Ancients knew about it! Dr. Henry Pullen-Burry, another open-minded English scientist, who deeply researched ancient knowledge about the construction If modern scientists would read this book the enigma of "Dark Matter", first discovered in 1933 via astrophysical observations of the movement of galaxies, would be answered the day it was discovered. But, it is still an enigma for our science. Dr. Pullen-Burry asked scientists:
When someone is blind, things look dark for him. Probably that is the reason why our science named the invisible part of the Universe "Dark Matter". Now, looking at the picture of the formation of physical matter according to Besant and Leadbeater, we can answer the question of how subtle energy can influence inanimate matter and living organisms, and everything in the physical world. Remember, subtle energy doesn't interact directly with physical matter and, as a result, our scientific equipment cannot measure it. That is why it is so important to answer this question (Fig.8). First of all, looking at the vortex-like nature of the ultimate physical atom, we see that the process of the creation of physical matter is a continuous, dynamic process.
Do you remember the expression: "God creates the world every moment"? So, it is literally true. If the energy of the subatomic world, interacting with the ultimate physical atom (or other subatomic particles), slightly changes the "vortex" of this atom, and consequently our physical atoms comprised from it, the chemical molecules in the physical world will be also changed. Using scientific terminology, chemical isomers could be created in this way. Of course, taking into account the quantum nature of the subatomic world, it is a very sophisticated process, but the general idea is clear. We saw confirmation that Chi produces this kind of effect on physical matter when we discussed changes in the absorption spectrum of substances under the influence of Chi. Now, we have come to the point where we can ask: "Is it possible to harness this subtle energy, the energy of the subatomic world, using the achievements and knowledge of modern physics?" Obviously it would be a benefit, since we could use Chi generating technology for the enhancement of many healing modalities. I asked myself this question more than twenty years ago after being shocked and impressed by what I saw during experiments with the Russian equivalent of Qigong Masters in the Radiotechnic and Electronics Institute in Moscow, where I worked at that time. You probably guessed where I went for advice on how to create subtle energy technology (which we now call Vital Force™ Technology). Of course, I went to ancient science. And there I found the following statements:
After years of experimentation I found this point of connection (which is, of course, proprietary information) and created a generator of subtle energy or Chi. It is plasma based computerized equipment that is able to generate an almost unlimited variety of subtle energy or Chi patterns. I found specific plasma configurations that if manipulated by electrical and magnetic fields are able to emit Chi patterns with qualities described by Traditional Chinese Medicine as the Five Elements (water, wood, fire, earth, and metal) and also with Yin and Yang properties. I am sure many of you know about the Five Elements [14,19] (Fig. 9a,b). This classical diagram of the Five Elements actually states that there are five main kinds of Chi in the Universe, each with distinctively different qualities. Thus, while the Yin-Yang concept determines the difference in the state of Chi movement, the Five Elements define the differences in Chi qualities. The interaction of different elements of Chi can be
supportive (Fig. 9a) or restrictive (controlling) (Fig. 9b). There are an infinite number of Chi patterns of various subtleties in the Universe; however, all of them can be presented as containing the qualities of the Five Elements in various proportions. The existence of both supportive and controlling qualities in the Five Elemental energies makes possible what we call "Dynamic Balance", a state of balanced movement of energies, named in Chinese Medicine and philosophy as Tai-Chi. This state is considered paramount in achieving true well-being and harmony. "If the energies are circulating correctly, no evil can attack successfully", said the classical book of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lin Shu. When I say that my Vital Force™ Technology (VFT) is able to generate Chi patterns with any of the Five Element properties, people usually ask: how do you know? The answer is: it was confirmed in blind experiments by measuring the effect of energy patterns created for all 12 acupuncture meridians using 3 different types of computerized electro-acupuncture devices. (The principle of these devices was first developed in Germany by Dr. Voll). Energies flowing through the 12 major acupuncture meridians have different "Elemental" qualities; experiments have shown that each particular meridian was influenced by the energy pattern, created by VFT, with the "Elemental" quality exactly corresponding to the "Elemental" quality of the meridian. In addition to the Five Element properties of energy patterns generated by my equipment I found a way to reproduce the energetic blueprint of any of the Elements of the Periodic Table, which is the base of all substances in our physical world. These two features make it possible to create subtle energy patterns targeted for specific biological functions whether physiological or psychological. On top of this: since any generator can also work as an amplifier, my equipment is able to reproduce the energetic blueprint of any substance, including herbs and essential oils. And, of course, the equipment can tremendously amplify the energetic blueprints. As they are produced, these formulas can be stored by a special part of the equipment and amplified again when needed. We call all these patterns Vital Force™ Formulas. How can we deliver these energy formulas to people? Experimentation has shown that Vital Force™ Formulas can be infused into organic substances including herbs, essential oils and into inorganic concentrated trace minerals, which hold this energy for years. One of the possible explanations for this phenomenon can be the ability of subtle energy to create isomer-like changes in substances, which we discussed earlier. Now I would like to mention some experimental results observed with various Vital Force™ formulas. First, I will talk about experiments where the so-called "placebo effect" is not in question. Experiments with Vital Force Formulas7 Years Old Seed Development after 7 Days in Germination Chamber. Left: Water infused with Li energy pattern -- 73% germination Right: Control, regular water -- 43% germination
An example of the kind of enhancement produced by Vital Force™ formulas is presented in the report from a group of health practitioners including two MD's who observed significant improvement in two patients with Lyme Disease using Tetracyclic Oxindole Alkaloid free "Cat's Claw" infused with Vital Force™ energy patterns. After using energy infused "Cats Claw" for 3 months both patients tested negatively for Lyme Disease in Immunoglobulin M and G and Western Blot tests. Patients previously treated with the same type of "Cat's Claw" without the energy infusion did not experience improvement in their conditions. I would like to mention one more way of exploring the synergistic effect of herbal remedies and energetic formulas. Some Vital Force™ formulas don't have an analogy in nature; they are created experimentally using the rules of ancient medicines. For instance, we have the Stress Relief formula in concentrated trace minerals. Drinking 10 drops of this formula in a glass of water usually takes away anxiety in minutes. When about 3% of a Magnolia tincture is added, it works for depression and when you add 3% Jujube, it works for improving sleep. How well does it work? Dr. Steven Davis from Redding, CA, reported that all 7 of his patients with insomnia began to sleep normally after using "Jujube Sleep Aid" for a few days. One more example: when the Stress Relief energy patterns are infused in MSM cream, the cream acquires significant new properties: it relieves the pain of soft tissue traumas in minutes, prevents or significantly diminishes bruising and swelling and accelerates healing. Why do remedies work significantly better and faster when enhanced with subtle energy? There are at least two reasons that can be suggested.
In conclusion I would like to say that in our opinion, Vital Force™ Technology establishes a bridge between traditional Eastern and modern Western medicines. It also provides tools for regulating the body's energy system, which is still a missing component in Western medicine's concept of health. References | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Subtle Energy and Its Role in Health
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